Author Topic: Dawn Of The Deep State: How James Garfield’s Assassination Spawned This Monster.  (Read 1649 times)

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Dawn Of The Deep State: How James Garfield’s Assassination Spawned This Monster.

Of the four presidential assassinations in American history, James A. Garfield’s carries the most significance for Americans today.

In office only four months before being shot in a Washington train station, Garfield clung to life for an additional two months, earning him the dubious distinction of being the slain American president with the shortest tenure in office and the longest period in agony.

Garfield’s assassin, Charles Guiteau, was an unknown and insignificant supporter of Garfield’s during the 1880 presidential campaign with the delusional notion that his unknown and insignificant support entitled him to employment in the new administration.

When his expectations went unrealized, Guiteau turned to violence.

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Chuck was from a prominent family in my hometown. Lots of myths and rumors surround him.  One thing we do know,..  He was nuttier than a Port-A-poty at a peanut festival.


By Harriett Gustason
The Journal-Standard
Posted Aug 01, 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Freeport, Ill. —
Myths are oft more tenacious than truth.
There is one big one in Freeport history that sticks stubbornly in the minds of tale spinners.
People insist on believing that the stone house on the corner of Galena and High avenues was the one time home of Freeport’s most notorious citizen, Charles Julius Guiteau, convicted assassin of U.S. President James Garfield.
Not so. Instead it was the home of Charles Guiteau’s uncle and aunt, A.B. and Emily Rehfield Guiteau. The only known record of where Charles Guiteau lived as a child was found in an old city directory which places the address of L.W. Guiteau on Broadway, west of Oak Avenue. Charles was the son of Luther W. Guiteau who served as cashier at Second National Bank, was a merchant for a time, and served Stephenson County as Recorder and Clerk of the Circuit Court.
Charles Guiteau shot President Garfield in a railroad depot in July 1881. It was weeks before the President died however, and the irony of it all was his death has since been blamed on surgeons who, with their prodding to extract a shell in a non-critical location, caused infections which proved fatal.
The fact is there are other myths regarding this infamous character. For one thing, contrary to common usage, Guiteau was pronounced Gitto, accent on the first syllable.
 In another vein, historians have labeled Charles a “disappointed office seeker,” which is called “too grandiose” in a brief biography of the assassin in the “Postscript to the 1970 Stephenson County History.” Charles Guiteau was never likely considered for any high appointment by President Garfield or anyone else. He was considered a nut and an unwanted intruder when he hung around governmental quarters nagging to see the President.
Charles harbored the fantasy that he was divinely chosen to kill Garfield because of the President’s “favoring one group of Republicans over the other.” Guiteau thought he was “saving America” when he shot Garfield.
Charles’ mother, Jane Howe Guiteau, died when Charles was 7, so he was reared principally by his father, reputed to be a harsh and strict disciplinarian. Charles attended Freeport schools during his childhood, but being hard to manage he went to live in Chicago for a time with his older sister and her husband, a lawyer.
Charles once tried to enter the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, but was not accepted as he lacked proper credits.
Charles joined the Oneida community, a collective farm, a commune near Oneida, N.Y., where he eventually left in disgrace. Charles had a checkered career during which he tried lecturing, writing and the practice of law, but he failed in all these endeavors including a stormy marriage which ended in divorce. Everything he tried fizzled out as he lived on in his world of fantasy.
Guiteau’s trial in which he represented himself turned out to be a circus. He was convicted of the crime and was hanged on June 30, 1882. This tortured soul went to the gallows singing and reciting a poem he had composed in jail. It contained the refrain, “I’m going to the Lordy ...”
Accounts at the time of his death said he was interred in the cellar of a jail in Washington, D.C.
Here again macabre rumors persisted for years that Charles Guiteau was buried in the basement of that house on South Galena Ave., but this too has been declared a myth. Oh so many myths. So sad, a story. Charles Guiteau, may you hereby rest in peace.

I am just a Technicolor Dream Cat riding this kaleidoscope of life.