Arizona lawmaker, 45, who worked in Obama administration is left red-faced after speedo-clad 'friend', 24, struts through his cruise ship cabin and flaunts muscles during official Zoom meeting
PAUL FARRELL | 22:25 EST, 13 January 2023 | UPDATED: 23:38 EST, 13 January 2023A half-naked man wearing a Speedo popped into the background of an Arizona counselor's Zoom call during a meeting of the Pima County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.
Openly Gay County Supervisor Dr. Matt Heinz, 45, who previously served in the Obama administration, joined the meeting remotely from a cruise ship in the Caribbean.
The 9:00 am meeting was two hours old when Heinz's unidentified 24-year-old travel companion wandered in to the shot. The man is wearing black vest and a black Speedo.
The man begins to lift up his shirt, then freezes and looks at the computer, apparently not immediately realizing that Heinz was in a meeting. The physician quickly turned off his camera at that point. . . .
Democrats gone wild.