General Category > Elections 2024

Kari Lake Could Win in Arizona Senate Race.

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Kari Lake Could Win in Arizona Senate Race.

While Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for Arizona governor, may not have initially succeeded in her run to become the state’s next governor, there is good news for her.

It was found in a new poll that Lake is still a favorite in Copper State and has a good chance to become its next senator as a result of this. Despite Lake’s court battle over the November governor’s election, an early poll analyzing the 2024 US Senate race in Arizona has found that Lake is in the lead in an election that is likely to be a three-way race, indicating that she may win the election should she choose to run for Senate.

It is estimated that Lake leads Democratic Representative Ruben Gallego by 4 points, and by 22 points over incumbent Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who switched her party registration from a Democrat to a Republican, according to the Blueprint Polling survey.

“An early 2023 survey of likely general election voters illustrates that Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s path to
reelection is both complicated and unprecedented. Sinema runs a distant third in a hypothetical three-way race in the general that also includes 2022 GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Democratic
Congressman Ruben Gallego,” according to the survey.

#karilake  #elections  #senate  #congress  #arizona  

Smokin Joe:
Consolation prize?
Attempted buyout?


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on January 13, 2023, 03:36:56 am ---Consolation prize?
Attempted buyout?

--- End quote ---

i think she has a great chance imho. she is also still in court over the election too. true fighter.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: GeneralCarlosQ17 on January 13, 2023, 03:48:06 am ---i think she has a great chance imho. she is also still in court over the election too. true fighter.

--- End quote ---
Not dissin' her, I like her pluck. Just wondering what the AZ GOP is up to.

cato potatoe:
Why not find a reasonably conservative person who stands a better-than-even chance of winning the general election?  If the top of the ticket is a mess, the legislature will flip to the dems for the first time since 1966, and then you have a problem.


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