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The 10 biggest THREATS to your food security in 2023 … HINT: Prepare for a “grocery police state” wi


The 10 biggest THREATS to your food security in 2023 … HINT: Prepare for a “grocery police state” with guards, rationing and riots
Wednesday, January 04, 2023 by: Mike Adams
 (Natural News) Today’s analysis covers threats to food security in 2023 and beyond, beginning with the now-obvious fact that food inflation continues to worsen almost everywhere. This readily observable fact is now so self-evident that no one needs to be convinced of the reality of rising food prices. Yet few people have honestly considered where it leads in terms of global famine, civil unrest, revolutions and more.

In 2023 and for years to come, we are about to see some of the disturbing signs of food scarcity and panic among populations as well as food retailers:

Armed guards at food retailers, defending against sharp increases in organized retail theft of meat products.

Access restrictions (and biometric ID requirements) on who is allowed to enter grocery stores and purchase food items.

Food rationing limits, enforced by digital currency controls, that closely monitor your food purchases and cut you off when you’ve reached your government-enforced limit.

Food riots across many cities and countries as fear and famine take hold.

More food destruction due to sabotage of food facilities and transportation infrastructure.

Ramped up geoengineering efforts to destroy crops through man-made droughts, floods and storms.


--- Quote ---Access restrictions (and biometric ID requirements) on who is allowed to enter grocery stores and purchase food items.
--- End quote ---
Controlling what you eat is just part of the plan.
They just said at the WEF that biometric digital ID will be good because then they can check who has been vaccinated.

--- End quote ---

Years ago they were trying to pass a law in FL that would require 'inspectors' to come to your house and inspect your garden(s) on your property. Limitations and what you could grow were included in the proposed bill.  It didn't come close to passing, but gov't overreach was well in play.

They also were trying to prohibit people from purchasing herbal medicines or OTC medicines that the FDA didn't approve.

Eminent Domain was another battle.  (Jeb! was a serious offender).

Government overreach continues on....

This is obvious, but it is worth mentioning. Cash is the way to go if you can to make purchases otherwise if you use credit or debit cards they can track what you purchase and when you purchase and how much you purchase- thus their push for a cashless society.


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