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Obituaries for 2023

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--- Quote from: mountaineer on June 08, 2023, 12:43:18 pm ---I'm pretty sure defending the First Amendment is for all people, AP.  *****rollingeyes*****

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Yes, it is, but when it comes to devoting one's limited resources to defending constitutional rights, there is nothing inherently wrong with saying that one's focus is on defending a certain subset - e.g., as the First Amendment pertains to explicitly religious speech - and letting other organizations focus their efforts on other aspects.

Robertson obituary from Christian Broadcasting Network.

Free Vulcan:
Didn't always agree with Pat, but I give him props for standing strong, speaking the truth, and fighting the evil. He was a good soldier in many ways.


--- Quote from: Free Vulcan on June 08, 2023, 01:25:39 pm ---Didn't always agree with Pat, but I give him props for standing strong, speaking the truth, and fighting the evil. He was a good soldier in many ways.

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 :yowsa: pointing-up


--- Quote from: jmyrlefuller on June 07, 2023, 10:12:29 pm ---For the Western New Yorker and expat ex-WNY'ers...

Commander Tom Jolls, internationally famous weatherman and space-themed cartoon show host, dies at 89.

@verga , @DCPatriot

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Thank you. My father worked at Channel 7 for over 25 years, until his death. through him I got to know many of the on air personalities. Tom Jolls was a genuinely nice guy in a business that tends to eat up nice guys.


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