Author Topic: The Satanists Who Carried Out The Coup Now Preside Over The Biggest Series Of Legal Experimental Dea  (Read 1078 times)

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Offline GeneralCarlosQ17

  • GeneralCarlosQ17
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The Satanists Who Carried Out The Coup Now Preside Over The Biggest Series Of Legal Experimental Deaths In World History As Doctor Warns A Satanic Cult Is Behind The Deadly Vax Push.
The Depths Of 'The Evil' Running America Is Enough To Make Joseph Goebbels Blush.
We now know through the Twitter files that have been released that the FBI/CIA are totally corrupt and working against our citizenry. This explains many things over the years that seemed odd and when citizens questioned the occurrences they were called far right conspiracy nuts and then ignored and were thought to be forgotten. 

Today we have a rather simple revelation of a confluence of the three parts of our government in action. This has evolved over the past 100 years into total control by the financial class. 

The three groups are the politicians, the bureaucrats and the financial crowd in New York. Their motivations are similar enough to keep them all in line while ignoring the odd wayward deviation from the mutually agreed on program as a necessary blip. Their lusts are greed, personal power, fear of being left out or a combination of all of the above. The main revelation in this situation is that even the most religious socialist has to admit there has been corruption on the way to nerd-vana but he still feels it must be ignored so as not to deviate from the official dogma.
#vaccines  #injuries  #deaths  #fauci  #shadowgovernment  
MAGA Patriot Who loves His Country.