General Category > Midterm Elections 2022

Incoming GOP Congressman George Santos Admits He Lied About Significant Portions of His Background

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Another sterling example of the GOP vetting of candidates......  /s

90% of this could have been caught with 3-4 hours of honest research and doing due dilligence.

But what do you expect in the McConnell/McCarthy/Rona era?

What was his platform,  I wonder.


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on December 27, 2022, 02:49:02 pm --- Democrats call for George Santos to resign over ‘whopping lies’
by Julia Mueller - 12/26/22 10:54 PM ET

--- End quote ---

Joe Biden ... (Video)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

George Santos lied about his resume, and the left is demanding he resign.

Ilhan Omar says she didn’t marry her brother, she lied.
Elizabeth Warren said she was Native American Indian, she lied.
The left said George Floyd didn’t die of a drug overdose, they lied.

Dr Rachel Levine says he’s a woman, he lied.
Adam Schiff said he had proof of Trump Russian collusion, he lied.
Eric Swalwell said he didn’t have sex with a CCP spy, he lied.
Fauci said the taxpayer funded Covid-19 virus didn’t come from the Wuhan lab, he lied.

The science and medical “experts” said the taxpayer funded covid vaccines would stop Covid, they lied, they also said they are safe, they lied again.
The Democrats, J6 committee, and media say Trump and us Republicans organized an insurrection on J6, they lied.

1:05 PM · Dec 27, 2022

Exactly. Without defending anyone who lies about his resume, should we ignore the lies of Democrats? No one has lied more about his resume than football star Joe Biden, incidentally.


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