Author Topic: Incoming GOP Congressman George Santos Admits He Lied About Significant Portions of His Background  (Read 6025 times)

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Incoming GOP Congressman George Santos Admits He Lied About Significant Portions of His Background

Paul Bois 26 Dec 2022

Incoming Republican Congressman George Santos admitted this week that he lied about significant portions of his background, including his work and education histories.

Last week, a New York Times investigation revealed that Santos may have lied about his résumé as well as other alleged unsavory details about his past. On top of claiming that he attended Baruch College, Santos also claimed in his campaign biography that he worked for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. The investigation from the Times called these claims into question, with both Citigroup and Goldman Sachs claiming they had no record of him working there. Officials with Baruch College also told the Times that the school has no record of Santos graduating from the school in 2010, as he previously claimed. Santos also claims in a biography on the website of the National Republican Congressional Committee that he briefly attended New York University, but N.Y.U officials said they could find no record of his attendance.

At first, Santos called the investigation an attempt to “smear his good name” with defamatory allegations, but in an exclusive interview with the New York Post released on Monday, the freshman congressman admitted that he embellished his résumé.

“My sins here are embellishing my résumé,” Santos said.

Santos further admitted that he “never worked directly” for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, arguing that his claims were a “poor choice of words.” According to the junior Republican, the company Link Bridge, where he served as vice president, had business ties to those top-level firms, adding that he would make “capital introductions” between clients and investors. Goldman Sachs and Citigroup were both “LPS,  Limited Partnerships,” he said.

“I will be clearer about that. It was stated poorly,” Santos said.

Santos also admitted he never graduated from college. “I didn’t graduate from any institution of higher learning. I’m embarrassed and sorry for having embellished my resume,” he said. “I own up to that … We do stupid things in life.”

Despite the falsehoods, Santos said that they will not derail his congressional tenure.

“I am not a criminal,” Santos said. “This [controversy] will not deter me from having good legislative success. I will be effective. I will be good.”

The New York Times also called into question some claims Santos made about his heritage, such as his saying on his campaign website that his mother was Jewish and that his grandparents escaped the Nazis during World War II. Now, Santos claims he’s “clearly Catholic” and that he never claimed to be Jewish but instead “Jew-ish.”

“I never claimed to be Jewish,” Santos said. “I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’”

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 Democrats call for George Santos to resign over ‘whopping lies’ 
by Julia Mueller - 12/26/22 10:54 PM ET
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Democrats call for George Santos to resign over ‘whopping lies’

After the characters they have put forth, I don't think so.  He can be replaced in 2024. 

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Democrats call for George Santos to resign over ‘whopping lies’
As soon as they call for Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, et al., also to resign over whopping lies. M'kay?

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George Santos: Okay. I lied about almost everything
Jazz Shaw 10:31 AM on December 27, 2022

When Republican George Santos filed to run for Congress in New York’s 3rd Congressional District on Long Island, his profile seemed like a perfect fit in a city that leans decidedly liberal. He ticked all of the demographic boxes. He was young, gay, and Jewish. His grandmother had escaped the holocaust, moving to America for a new life. He had experience in the corporate world, having worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. He was a graduate of Baruch College, an affiliate of CUNY. What’s not to like?

Santos went on to win a nail-biter of an election, riding the red mini-wave that swept over New York State. But as it turned out, pretty much everything I pointed to above from his resume turned out to be a lie. The New York Post finally caught up to him this week and got him to come clean. And Democrats in New York are asking how nobody managed to figure this out during the campaign.

    Long Island Rep.-elect George Santos came clean to The Post on Monday, admitting that he lied on the campaign trail about his education and work experience — but insisting that the controversy won’t deter him from serving out his two-year term in Congress.

    “I am not a criminal,” Santos said at one point during his exclusive interview. “This [controversy] will not deter me from having good legislative success. I will be effective. I will be good.”

    Santos’s professional biography was called into question earlier this month after the New York Times reported that he misrepresented a number of claims, including where he attended college and his alleged employment history with high-profile Wall Street firms.

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Another sterling example of the GOP vetting of candidates......  /s

90% of this could have been caught with 3-4 hours of honest research and doing due dilligence.

But what do you expect in the McConnell/McCarthy/Rona era?
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What was his platform,  I wonder.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

George Santos lied about his resume, and the left is demanding he resign.

Ilhan Omar says she didn’t marry her brother, she lied.
Elizabeth Warren said she was Native American Indian, she lied.
The left said George Floyd didn’t die of a drug overdose, they lied.

Dr Rachel Levine says he’s a woman, he lied.
Adam Schiff said he had proof of Trump Russian collusion, he lied.
Eric Swalwell said he didn’t have sex with a CCP spy, he lied.
Fauci said the taxpayer funded Covid-19 virus didn’t come from the Wuhan lab, he lied.

The science and medical “experts” said the taxpayer funded covid vaccines would stop Covid, they lied, they also said they are safe, they lied again.
The Democrats, J6 committee, and media say Trump and us Republicans organized an insurrection on J6, they lied.

1:05 PM · Dec 27, 2022

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Exactly. Without defending anyone who lies about his resume, should we ignore the lies of Democrats? No one has lied more about his resume than football star Joe Biden, incidentally.

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5 Real Things More Appalling Than George Santos’ Fake Resume
It doesn’t matter if George Santos is the lowliest of low-lifes. And the people who elected and warmly welcomed to the Senate John Fetterman certainly don’t get to act like it does.
By: Eddie Scarry
December 27, 2022
A few nerds (sometimes referred to as “journalists”) were on standby over the past few days, waiting for New York Republican Representative-elect George Santos to explain why there was no evidence of the sterling educational background and work history that he professed to have during his 2022 campaign for Congress. The predictable and underwhelming answer is that he lied about it and no, he doesn’t plan to resign.

Where is there a person in America who still cares about the personal biographies of the people they elect? None of it — literally none of it — matters. Being a U.S. veteran doesn’t necessarily indicate that a person is smart or good. If it did, Democrat Army vet Rep. Bobby Rush would be a role model for children rather than a race hustler who funneled tens of thousands of dollars in campaign funds to his criminal son. (It was for “field” work.)

In any event, what Santos lied about — that he went to an exclusive college and worked in Wall Street financing — is nothing compared to some of the true things that have happened in Congress lately. Here are five of them ...
The Federalist

While the writer goes on to describe five members of Congress who are horrible for doing things other than lying about their resumes, the fact remains that lying about one's resume is the actual topic of conversation, and it's almost impossible to find a Democrat who hasn't done it. The current occupier of the White House is the prime example. That clown has lied about everything that a normal person would put on a resume, e.g., academics, employment, accomplishments.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

George Santos lied about his resume, and the left is demanding he resign.

Ilhan Omar says she didn’t marry her brother, she lied.
Elizabeth Warren said she was Native American Indian, she lied.
The left said George Floyd didn’t die of a drug overdose, they lied.

Dr Rachel Levine says he’s a woman, he lied.
Adam Schiff said he had proof of Trump Russian collusion, he lied.
Eric Swalwell said he didn’t have sex with a CCP spy, he lied.
Fauci said the taxpayer funded Covid-19 virus didn’t come from the Wuhan lab, he lied.

The science and medical “experts” said the taxpayer funded covid vaccines would stop Covid, they lied, they also said they are safe, they lied again.
The Democrats, J6 committee, and media say Trump and us Republicans organized an insurrection on J6, they lied.

1:05 PM · Dec 27, 2022

Although I know all politicians lie, this is pretty bad.

All the listed lies of the above...I have an idea!  Let's everyone just come clean. Even Joey. This guy is a sign of our very sad times.

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Ok,doesn't this just make him "one of the boys"?

Imagine how empty Congress would be if every politicial there was forced to resign because he or she "puff up" their bios.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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 Republican Jewish Coalition says George Santos ‘not welcome’ at events after revelations
by Brad Dress - 12/27/22 12:04 PM ET

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) on Tuesday said Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) “deceived” the organization and “misrepresented” his Jewish heritage, adding the incoming lawmaker is no longer welcome at its events.

CEO Matt Brooks said he was “disappointed” in Santos after the congressman-elect admitted to embellishing key facts about his life in two separate interviews on Monday.

“He deceived us and misrepresented his heritage. In public comments and to us personally he previously claimed to be Jewish,” Brooks said in a statement. “He has begun his tenure in Congress on a very wrong note. He will not be welcome at any future RJC event.”

Santos, who flipped a Long Island House seat for the GOP, admitted in interviews with the New York Post and a local radio station that he fabricated parts of his resume. He told the Post he “never worked directly” for Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and never graduated from New York’s Baruch College.

“I’m embarrassed and sorry for having embellished my resume,” he said. “We do stupid things in life.”

Santos had also claimed on his biography website that his maternal grandparents are Jewish and fled persecution during World War II before settling in Brazil.

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Democrats fabricated a conspiracy that Trump was a Russian asset, fed it through the media, the FBI, and the FISA court, impeached him on a hoax, and raided him looking for a crime, but want a Republican to resign for lying. Get bent.

10:32 PM · Dec 27, 2022

Online Kamaji

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Democrats fabricated a conspiracy that Trump was a Russian asset, fed it through the media, the FBI, and the FISA court, impeached him on a hoax, and raided him looking for a crime, but want a Republican to resign for lying. Get bent.

10:32 PM · Dec 27, 2022


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Ok,doesn't this just make him "one of the boys"?

Imagine how empty Congress would be if every politicial there was forced to resign because he or she "puff up" their bios.
Biden's entire alleged bio is a lie, from driving a truck to facing down Corn Pop, from playing college football to granting his deceased uncle a Purple Heart. Nothing new in D.C.

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GOP Rep.-Elect Santos: ‘I Have the Courage’ to Admit I Falsified Parts of My Biography, My Work History Is ‘Debatable’

Ian Hanchett 27 Dec 2022

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep.-Elect George Santos (R-NY) stated that he has “the courage” to admit on national television to falsifications in his biography that he previously denied were fabrications, “because I believe that, in order to move past this and move forward and be an effective member of Congress, I have to face my mistakes, and I’m facing them.”

Santos said, “[E]mbellishing my résumé was a mistake. … I made a mistake. And I think humans are flawed and we all make mistakes, Tulsi. I think we can all look at ourselves in the mirror and admit that, once in our life, we made a mistake. I’m having to admit this on national television for the whole country to see and I have the courage to do so, because I believe that, in order to move past this and move forward and be an effective member of Congress, I have to face my mistakes, and I’m facing them. The reality is that I remain committed to doing everything I set forward in my campaign. I’m not a fraud. I’m not a fake. I didn’t materialize from thin air. I worked damn hard to get where I got my entire life. Life wasn’t easy. It didn’t start off easy, as I’ve said many, many times, I come from abject poverty. I made some mistakes. And I own up to them. And now I want to put this past me so I can deliver for the American people.”

Santos also argued that it’s “debatable” whether he falsified whether he worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.

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GOP Rep.-Elect Santos: ‘I Have the Courage’ to Admit I Falsified Parts of My Biography, My Work History Is ‘Debatable’

I am sorry.....  Anytime Tulsi Gabbard is on the screen, I have trouble concentrating.   :cool:
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Jack Posobiec

If you think George Santos making up his backstory is bad wait til you find out about Barack Obama

9:32 AM · Dec 28, 2022

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Jack Posobiec

Media: We demand you conduct a morality play about George Santos - perform the ritual!

Republicans: Yes, daddy! Whatever you say, daddy!


10:00 AM · Dec 28, 2022

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Santos will resign before this is all over...

Incoming GOP Rep Calls For Ethics Investigation, Possible ‘Law Enforcement’ Action Against George Santos

Michael Ginsberg
Congressional Correspondent
December 27, 2022 5:17 PM ET

Rep.-elect Nick LaLota called for an ethics investigation and possible criminal probe of fellow New York Republican George Santos in the wake of Santos’ admission that he fabricated large portions of his biography.

“Over the last few weeks, I have heard from countless Long Islanders how deeply troubled they are by the headlines surrounding George Santos,” LaLota said in a Tuesday statement. “As a Navy man who campaigned on restoring accountability and integrity to our government, I believe a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required.”

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Santos will resign before this is all over...

Incoming GOP Rep Calls For Ethics Investigation, Possible ‘Law Enforcement’ Action Against George Santos

Michael Ginsberg
Congressional Correspondent
December 27, 2022 5:17 PM ET

Rep.-elect Nick LaLota called for an ethics investigation and possible criminal probe of fellow New York Republican George Santos in the wake of Santos’ admission that he fabricated large portions of his biography.

“Over the last few weeks, I have heard from countless Long Islanders how deeply troubled they are by the headlines surrounding George Santos,” LaLota said in a Tuesday statement. “As a Navy man who campaigned on restoring accountability and integrity to our government, I believe a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required.”


Guy's a tool obviously, but this one pegs out the hypocricy meter.  If they emptied out Congress of liars, it would be cavernously empty.

Which honestly, would be a good start.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Santos will resign before this is all over...

Incoming GOP Rep Calls For Ethics Investigation, Possible ‘Law Enforcement’ Action Against George Santos

Michael Ginsberg
Congressional Correspondent
December 27, 2022 5:17 PM ET

Rep.-elect Nick LaLota called for an ethics investigation and possible criminal probe of fellow New York Republican George Santos in the wake of Santos’ admission that he fabricated large portions of his biography.

“Over the last few weeks, I have heard from countless Long Islanders how deeply troubled they are by the headlines surrounding George Santos,” LaLota said in a Tuesday statement. “As a Navy man who campaigned on restoring accountability and integrity to our government, I believe a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required.”


"Law enforcement" action for what?  Puffing, or even falsifying, one's resume is not, generally speaking, a criminal act.

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Nancy Pelosi engages in insider trading and gains tens of millions of dollars - no demands for her resignation.
Eric Swalwell has a sexual affair with a Chinese spy - no demands for his resignation.
Blumenthal lied about service in Vietnam - no demands for his resignation.
Eliz. Warren lied about her ethnicity - no demands for her resignation.
Joe Biden has never told the truth in his entire life - no demands for his resignation.

George Santos puffs his resume - off with his head!!
« Last Edit: December 28, 2022, 04:27:15 pm by mountaineer »