Author Topic: Ohio 46-car pileup leaves at least 3 dead in winter storm 'whiteout' crash  (Read 1360 times)

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Online libertybele

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OMG the pictures are absolutely horrific. So sad, especially just right before Christmas.

Ohio 46-car pileup leaves at least 3 dead in winter storm 'whiteout' crash

At least 46 cars were involved in a massive pileup on the Ohio Turnpike Friday afternoon, Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) confirmed. Troopers on the scene reported three fatalities and multiple injuries in the Sandusky County crash.

Multiple agencies from across several counties are conducting rescue operations. Parties involved in the crash are being moved to a local facility by bus to stay warm.

OSHP confirmed that weather was a factor in the crash. Authorities are advising that travel be avoided. Blowing snow can significantly reduce visibility. ................

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Re: Ohio 46-car pileup leaves at least 3 dead in winter storm 'whiteout' crash
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2022, 02:30:25 am »
I can't imagine  getting in an accident like that and being stuck in the cold waiting for help. It's just brutal out there.