Author Topic: Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again?  (Read 203 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again?
« on: December 08, 2022, 01:48:28 pm »
Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again?

Given events since Trump’s departure, he should be in the driver’s seat. But he is not.

By Victor Davis Hanson
December 7, 2022

Team Trump has sometimes compared Donald Trump’s current quest for a nonsequential second term to two-term President Grover Cleveland’s similar three election bids.

Cleveland remains our only elected (1884) president to have lost a reelection bid (1888)—in a disputed vote—only to be reelected four years later (1892).

Yet Trump seems determined instead to follow a different, and bullheaded, Teddy Roosevelt model.

Roosevelt left the presidency (1908), sat out four years, and then lost a reelection bid in 1912, split and alienated the Republican Party, and ensured the election of the progressive Woodrow Wilson.

Joe Biden’s first “corrective” two years have been an utter disaster.

Biden birthed hyperinflation. He destroyed a secure border and Trump’s energy self-sufficiency. Crime is now out of control. The United States was humiliated abroad in Afghanistan. Rising interest rates will soon spark a recession.

After promising to unite the country, Biden smeared half the voting population as “un-American” and “semi-fascist.”

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So given events since Trump’s departure, he should be in the driver’s seat. But he is not.


Rather than offering detailed correctives for Biden’s disastrous record, Trump is again dabbling in social media madness. He needlessly floated the absurd idea that constitutional norms might need to be changed to allow the disputed 2020 election result to be overturned.

He seems oblivious that the Left, not conservatives, talk of altering the Constitution. They call for the destruction of the Electoral College, and wish to dilute the Second Amendment and redefine the First.

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Online Lando Lincoln

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Re: Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2022, 02:16:22 pm »
Victor Davis Hanson.  Thought provoking as always. The reality bite of this piece is painful politically.
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Offline aligncare

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Re: Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2022, 03:42:51 pm »
I thought the slow tease announcement for his run for president was kinda kitschy, but Trump’s methods of doing things often seem unconventional, but often they work.  Who would have thought that attacking the status quo establishment—Hillary was its poster child—could get the political novice Trump elected president?