Author Topic: Breaking... Jan. 6 committee to make criminal referrals to Justice Department  (Read 616 times)

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Jan. 6 committee to make criminal referrals to Justice Department
by David Sivak, Congress & Campaigns Editor |
December 06, 2022 11:11 AM

The Jan. 6 committee will make criminal referrals to the Department of Justice as the panel wraps up its investigation into the events that led up to the deadly riots.

“We have made decisions on criminal referrals,” Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the committee, told reporters, stating "we will" on the question of whether referrals will be pursued. Thompson did not provide further details.

The news comes the same day congressional leaders are holding a Gold Medal Ceremony for the police forces that defended the Capitol on Jan. 6.

This story is breaking. Please check back for updates.
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&$#! Kangaroo court.

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January 6th Committee Announces Criminal Referrals, and Donald Trump Is in Trouble
By Bonchie | 3:45 PM on December 06, 2022

It was just a matter of time before the January 6th committee did what it was always going to do. Namely, announce criminal referrals in relation to the unrest at the Capitol following the 2020 election.

On Tuesday, Chairman Bennie Thompson made it official, telling reporters that referrals were on the way and would be submitted as a separate document from the committee’s report.

Thompson didn’t announce exactly who the criminal referrals will target, but it’s not exactly a secret that Donald Trump is in the crosshairs. As the CNN article notes, the committee’s members have been in wide agreement that they feel the former president committed a crime. The lack of evidence to support such a contention hasn’t stopped them before and I see no reason to believe it’ll stop them now.

In short, Donald Trump is trouble, and that becomes clear when you take a step back and take a look at all the moving parts. Yes, the January 6th committee is a cog in all this, but it’s not the only one. The timing of the DOJ’s new special counsel targeting Trump isn’t a coincidence, and sure enough, on the same day Cheney and company announced criminal referrals were coming, here’s what the DOJ was working on.


    BREAKING: DOJ special counsel subpoenas officials in several states, asking for communications with or involving former President Donald Trump, campaign aides and allies involved in his efforts to try to overturn the 2020 election.

    — The Associated Press (@AP) December 6, 2022

A revival of New York State’s criminal case against Trump also happened in the last month. Again, none of these things are happening separately from one another. It’s all part of a slow-moving operation to take down the former president once and for all. The January 6th committee is mostly theater, but the DOJ is playing off that theater to build its case and turn public opinion.

There’s only one outcome here: Donald Trump is going to be indicted.

And while I’ve often said that would be stupid as a matter of law, at the end of the day, nothing I or anyone else has to say really matters. The DOJ is hellbent on finishing what it started way back in 2016, and no amount of calling them corrupt is going to change that.

That leads me to my last point. A lot of people on the right, myself included, have begun the debate on who should be the Republican nominee in 2024. The typical points of tension revolve around whether Donald Trump has what it takes to put together a winning coalition. But amidst the various factions yelling at each other about matchup hypotheticals, the elephant in the room is being ignored: Donald Trump is going to be indicted, and there is no chance a DC jury doesn’t convict him of whatever the DOJ puts in front of them.

The only question left in my mind is whether the government officials behind that drive are going to time things so that Trump is already the nominee when he’s indicted, essentially leaving Republicans without a candidate for the 2024 election. The trap is being baited, and that’s going to leave some tough decisions ahead for the GOP.
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&$#! Kangaroo court.

:yowsa: That is messing up the lives of real patriotic people!
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"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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...defended the Capitol on Jan. 6.


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What theater. The DOJ has already got this covered.
The Republic is lost.

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"There’s only one outcome here: Donald Trump is going to be indicted."   We shall see.
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 Jan. 6 panel plans to release criminal referrals alongside final report
by Rebecca Beitsch - 12/08/22 3:07 PM ET

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol will release its list of criminal referrals alongside its final report on Dec. 21, the panel’s chair told reporters Thursday.

“We will make that announcement on the 21st when we release the report,” said Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).

The panel is meeting this Sunday to hash out what referrals it may make to the Department of Justice (DOJ), where the ultimate decision rests over whether to pursue any charges for the activity related to the effort to block the transfer of power.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) told reporters that the panel is still weighing who should be included in the list of criminal referrals.

“We want to make sure no one slips through the cracks. We want to make sure that the key organizers and movers of this attack don’t escape the scrutiny of the justice system,” Raskin said.

“The committee is engaged in very painstaking due diligence about all of the statutory events … and reviewing the record and the video and the testimony. Even though what we’re doing is just making a referral of our views, we want to take it very seriously.”

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There’s only one outcome here: Donald Trump is going to be indicted.

Stand with him.