Author Topic: Biden admin considering revival of Trump-era policy to place limits on asylum seekers: report  (Read 205 times)

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Biden admin considering revival of Trump-era policy to place limits on asylum seekers: report

The Biden administration is considering the revival of a Trump-era policy that places limits on which immigrants may claim asylum after crossing into the country illegally, according to multiple reports.

The plan being considered, according to reports from the Wall Street Journal and Reuters, would prevent certain migrants from claiming asylum in the United Sates if they have not sought the same protections in other countries — like Mexico — prior to their arrival in the United States.

Mirroring endeavors that were embraced by the Trump administration to curb the massive influx of migrants at the southern border, the plan reflects the transit ban that was pushed by Stephen Miller, who served as a senior adviser to former President Donald Trump and spearheaded several immigration efforts during his tenure in the White House.

The Trump-era plan, which faced scrutiny from immigration advocates, sought to prevent migrants from claiming asylum in the United States if they did not seek the same protections in other countries....
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