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Stealing From Holocaust Survivors to Support BLM


Stealing From Holocaust Survivors to Support BLM
Why is aid for Holocaust survivors being used to promote an antisemitic hate group?
November 30, 2022 by Daniel Greenfield 7 Comments

The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities hails the antisemitic hate group Black Lives Matter and falsely claims that America is guilty of ongoing “mass atrocities” against black people by a “racist society”.

That’s despite the fact that Black Lives Matter is an antisemitic hate group which not only denounces the Jewish State, but whose riot were associated with attacks on synagogues.

It would be easy to mistake the institute bearing the name of the infamous Polish concentration camp where over 1 million Jews were murdered for a Holocaust memorial organization.

It’s not. What it is is a lot more troubling.


"The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities hails the antisemitic hate group Black Lives Matter and falsely claims that America is guilty of ongoing “mass atrocities” against black people by a “racist society”."



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