Author Topic: Early Voting Has Already Begun In Georgia’s Senate Runoff. Here’s How Dems Pulled It Off  (Read 1346 times)

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JASON SNEAD: Early Voting Has Already Begun In Georgia’s Senate Runoff. Here’s How Dems Pulled It Off

Jason Snead
Executive Director, Honest Elections Project Action
November 26, 2022 9:59 AM ET
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Georgians have many reasons to be grateful this Thanksgiving, but a runoff election free from partisan lawsuits is not one of them. Amid its contentious campaign between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and GOP challenger Herschel Walker, Georgia Democrats called in Marc Elias — the lawyer behind the 2016 Russia collusion hoax — to force Georgia to allow an extra day of early voting on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.

Elias shopped around for an activist judge likely to grant him an easy win, and he found one. The GOP eventually appealed, but the day before Thanksgiving the Georgia Supreme Court refused to block the lower court’s opinion.

That’s a disappointing outcome that sets aside the black-and-white text of the law. As the Honest Elections Project pointed out in our brief, Georgia’s election code clearly states that if the second Saturday before the runoff election follows a Thursday or Friday public holiday, early voting should not take place on that Saturday.

The provision is meant to give election workers an extra day off over Thanksgiving weekend. After working long hours for weeks during the midterms, Georgia’s election workers have surely earned it.

The impact on Georgia voters, meanwhile, was minimal. Voting in Georgia is easy, as the midterm election proved. For the runoffs, the law guarantees Georgians a minimum of five days to vote, and everyone can vote by mail or on Election Day.

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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Yep, surprise surprise.

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Early voting in GA.  What could possibly happen??  Fraud?  Cheating?  Nah .... YES!!
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Online Kamaji

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That is, early cheating has begun in Georgia. 

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That is, early cheating has begun in Georgia.

I've already written off that seat. That, unfortunately is going to stay in Democrat hands
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I've already written off that seat. That, unfortunately is going to stay in Democrat hands

Same. It’s as good as gone.