Author Topic: Urgent dispatch from Arizona: Kari Lake's path to victory requires citizen action  (Read 1756 times)

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Online Elderberry

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WND 11/22/2022

'The only solution is to hold another election under the supervision of a court'

There's clear evidence that Maricopa County has suppressed votes in violation of Arizona law and of the federal Help America Vote Act, and the only solution is to hold another election under the supervision of a court, contends longtime Republican activist and publisher Floyd Brown in a Twitter dispatch from Phoenix.

"The elections in Maricopa have not been certified," he wrote. "and I have received dozens of calls asking me, 'Does Kari Lake still have a path to victory?' I also have been asked, 'What can I do to help?'"

"The only solution is to hold another election under the supervision of a court, and require [the Maricopa County Elections Department] to comply with the law."

Brown says there are three ways citizens can help.

The first way to help is to contact Brnovich(@generalbrnovich) and express thanks for speaking up and "asking the tough questions," and ask him to "please keep at it until you know the answers and vindicate our voting rights."

Secondly, anyone who has specific claims or actions should file an affidavit with attorneys working on vindicating citizens' voting rights at this website.

Finally, he asks citizens to contact the Republican National Committee chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, via @GOPChairwoman and phone number (202) 863-8500.


Offline Fishrrman

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The only pathway I foresee to a Lake victory is a re-vote in the contested counties, or perhaps in the entire state.

And the only way to get that is by a literal citizens' revolt that cannot be ignored.
Could that happen?

Other than that...
The leftists won.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Oh the left would love to start a precedent of election redo's. They will be calling for election redos anytime a conservative wins.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

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Offline libertybele

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The only pathway I foresee to a Lake victory is a re-vote in the contested counties, or perhaps in the entire state.

And the only way to get that is by a literal citizens' revolt that cannot be ignored.
Could that happen?

Other than that...
The leftists won.

I would like to see her victorious!   :patriot:
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Offline LMAO

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Oh the left would love to start a precedent of election redo's. They will be calling for election redos anytime a conservative wins.

Not. Gonna. Happen.


A very bad precedent to set.
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Online Elderberry

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How about limiting voting to walk-in election day voting at your voting precinct polling place, with mail in voting only for the military, the bedridden, and voters whose work keeps them out of their county of residence. With a full count completed on election day.

Offline Free Vulcan

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How about limiting voting to walk-in election day voting at your voting precinct polling place, with mail in voting only for the military, the bedridden, and voters whose work keeps them out of their county of residence. With a full count completed on election day.

The votes we are dealing with here were election day ballots. They used uncertified machines that had been recalled, that nonetheless worked the night before, then somehow crashed the next day. There were reports of technicians fiddling with them, as well as being remotely manipulated.

Then you have rejected ballots that were mixed with counted ballots, improper procedures, lack of transparency, security, and chain-of-custody. I'm sure there's more.

Point being, there seems to be a dozen points-of-failure that the Left exploited here - for election day votes. It doesn't matter what votes they're counting if the entire system is compromised.
The Republic is lost.