Author Topic: Mob Rule and the Death of Trust  (Read 186 times)

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Mob Rule and the Death of Trust
« on: November 16, 2022, 01:05:16 pm »
Mob Rule and the Death of Trust

America’s elites use lies about race, gender, health, climate, environment, and energy to gut the middle class, explode the dependent class, and transfer trillions into their own pockets.

By Edward Ring
November 15, 2022

It’s been clear to millions of Americans for decades that the media was biased, that the Democratic Party and their government employee union allies controlled and corrupted big city elections, and that the “climate crises” and the threat of “white supremacy” were being oversold. These and other annoyances were perennial. But for many skeptics, the level of mistrust remained tolerable. The system itself was resilient. Nothing is perfect. The tide can turn. The good guys could still win. The 2015 arrival of Donald Trump on the national political scene changed the rules. The system not only revealed itself to be even more fraudulent than most people had previously believed, but it became malevolent.

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The Death of Trust
With good reason, millions of Americans now question the integrity of elections. Poorly maintained voter rolls, universal mailed ballots, early voting, same-day registration, ballot harvesting, and a host of other supposed “reforms” to eliminate “voter suppression” have turned Election Day into Election Month, which is really a circus of gaping loopholes for manipulation of votes—both legal and illegal. Nearly every race that’s close on election night breaks for Democrats after a few days, or weeks. As this is written, a week after the November 8 election, there are still eight seats in the U.S. Congress that have yet to be called. Six of these eight are in California. Nothing to see here, folks. Poke around too much, and we’ll call you an “election denier.”

Evidence of lost integrity in American institutions is everywhere. During the COVID pandemic, doctors were thrown off social media and threatened with professional sanctions merely for proposing early treatment protocols. These doctors correctly asserted their obligation to do more for their patients than simply send them home with some Tylenol and instructions not to seek further medical help until they were mortally ill and needed to be hooked up to a ventilator and would probably die. It was reasonable for a conscientious doctor to conclude that was an inadequate approach, and to try to come up with something more.

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