State Chapters > Arizona

WARNING -- DISTURBING CONTENT ------ Pre-term baby found dead, burned at Phoenix homeless encampm

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--- Quote from: libertybele on November 15, 2022, 02:11:01 am ---I agree. When you find something that is actually uplifting let us know.

The only thing we have left is our integrity and to stand steadfast in our beliefs; right from wrong.
We have been expected to accept what we don't believe in; abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism, the liberal indoctrination of our children, attacks on our religion, etc.  Just because it is happening does NOT mean that we have to change our belief system.

--- End quote ---

While I agree that the things you describe are perplexing, they do not take away from the fact that we HAVE a belief system and the right to exercise it.  It also does not take away from our families and the close associations we have with them (if we have them).  In Arizona, they can't take away the sunshine or the warm days in winter. 

There is still much to be grateful for. 

When I get a little bent out of shape I watch Hope for Paws rescue videos.  They always tug at my heartstrings and soften my day.  This is their flagship and still my favorite:

We had the Governor of Virginia, a physician by trade before becoming governor, say out loud he thought it appropriate for a mother and delivering doctor to conference on whether a born child should be kept alive.

We were just told that single women are now a major voting block because they support vehemently our efforts at mass genocide, the murdering of unborn babies.  And we have Hillary Clinton singing their praises claiming the Dems need to focus on their desires as something primary for the future.  The convenience of women to not give birth to an undesired child is more important than the life of an unborn human being.

New York elected officials stood and cheered and clapped at passing a law that basically allowed abortion up to the moment of birth like it was a great accomplishment.

You can't make this sh*t up.  Our society in the USA is deteriorating at a rapid rate.  The effort of the Supreme Court will be undone by legislation that makes it law to allow abortion up until birth.  That is the current objective of the crazies, and they will get what they want.  Leading that charge is Planned Parenthood, funded by huge dollars by the federal government, using taxpayer dollars to murder its unborn.  Margaret Sanger would never believe the great success of her organization and her efforts of eugenics being so successful.  She is heralded at the Smithsonian in the Civil Right section with a bust of her image.  I learned that from the leader of a group of black ministers who when he discovered this was demanding it be removed.  He knew what she was all about.

Most are condemning about what Hitler did with the Jews in Europe, but few know that it is believed that Margaret Sanger is the one that inspired Hitler to conduct The Final Solution against the Jews.  It was Henry Ford, who published a pamphlet through the Dearborn Independent that talked about the scourge of the rat Jew.  Hitler had this pamphlet sent to every household in Nazi Germany.  Ford was a huge anti-semite, who had designs to be POTUS, but it was the Jews in America that saw to it he never got traction twice when he wanted to run.

There is a lot to know and most people in America are so isolated from truth that they are literally like sheep in the field today, led where their master wants them to go.  Makes me ill to think how controlled people are in the USA, and if you rattle the cage, you are a conspiracy theorist, or worse, a traitor.  You know, all those bad parents wanting to control the education of their children.  Let's get the FBI after those bad people.

I used to idolize Henry Ford as a great business leader, but he was a real rat himself.  Hitler had his portrait on his wall in his office.  Ford Motor Company is the only foreign company that got to keep their managers running Ford plants in Europe when the Germans seized the continent.  All other were replaced by Germans.  It is believed that Ford gave the Nazi Party $500,000 in its infancy to get off the ground. 

There is so much bad going on in the world today, it makes me think of the expression about good men standing by and doing nothing and letting evil thrive.

This is why I am so definite on what to do with what I consider traitors to this nation.  Every POTUS since Reagan has been a globalist, and I consider every one of them traitors with the exception of Trump.  All these men destroyed our nation bit by bit for globalist control.  Nothing good will come of this.

I understand why when folks get old they almost look forward to dying.  Only way to have peace in this corrupt rotten world.

Keep fighting.


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