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The Youth Problem
« on: November 13, 2022, 02:47:05 pm »

The Youth Problem

by Mark Bauerlein
Nov. 12, 2022

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Gen Z went nearly 2-to-1 for Democrats this week, which should put to rest the occasional assertion we’ve heard in recent years that this fresh cohort leans conservative. The 18 to 29 age group came in at 63 percent Democrat, according to one exit poll. The next age group, 30 to 44-year-olds, made up mostly of Millennials, scored lower, 51 percent Democrat.

Anyone who has said that Gen Z will rebel against their seniors, that they will tell the 33-year-old Millennial social-justice scold to stuff it, got it all wrong. I myself predicted that Gen Z wouldn’t put up with Woke, and now I feel like a dupe. Gen Z may turn out more Woke than the Millennials themselves, who supplied most of the troops for the Woke revolution as it spread across campuses and into the streets from 2015 forward.
Years of youth culture + years of schooling = Democrat loyalty. The task that leftists envisioned long ago when they turned their tactics to the classroom and the media have borne permanent fruit. The kids will not change. What Republicans say won’t make a dent in this two-thirds partisanship to the left. Lower taxes, smaller government, and fewer regulations mean little to our 25-year-old who isn’t married and has no kids, doesn’t pay much in taxes, has student loan payments, and worries about health care. He lives far from the border, so immigration isn’t on his radar. The national debt, interest rates, and trade policy are white noise to him. Republicans can go on about these issues all day and night, and leave our Z-er unimpressed.
I don’t see any Republican solution for this. Social media, sports, and entertainment are a tidal wave of liberalism to our young Democrat. The infrequent conservative voice he happens to hear is a trickle. Republicans may talk fiscal responsibility, but he doesn’t think that far ahead. He likes free stuff, and Biden’s forgiveness of student loans probably touched him more than the combined speeches and interviews in this election season of every Republican candidate in the land combined.

His lifestyle fits Democrat policy. Don’t expect him to reconsider his vote until he marries, starts a family, buys property, sends kids to school, pays a lot more in taxes, and thinks about saving for retirement and kids’ college. In other words, don’t hold your breath.

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