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Trump 2024

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--- Quote from: libertybele on November 13, 2022, 01:18:35 am ---IMHO he was a really good president, but his insecurities, age and need for constant attention are going to sink him before the '24 elections.

--- End quote ---

   Your being Modest @libertybele

   If Trump was the answer in 2016, 2020 AND 2024 please remind me what was the F@%king Question, again? 
   Please forgive me, I'm a Stoner.

Thanks for the 'Hell No' option.

I’m writing in @corbe

Myst of course will be his Veep

@Wingnut will become Secretary of State

My closest lifelong friend going back to sophomore year of high school, he went more liberal over the years while I went the opposite direction.  One day he asked me in regard to Trump, how can you stand him?  Listen to him?  I said to him then early in his presidency, I don't listen to him.  Truth be told, I can't stand listening to him and how he talks.  True enough.  But I told him, I don't listen to him, I turn him off.  I judge him by what he does, and I am quite pleased by that, and only that is what matters.

But the UGLY TRUTH is that Trump is exhausting.  For a man in his upper seventies, he is extremely immature, obnoxious, and down right ignorant.  I voted for him both times.  I will not vote for him again.  FACT is he is a liar.  It irritates me to no end to hear him say he upheld all his promises to the American people.  That is a bold face lie.  MAJOR LIE IN MY BOOK.

Trump promised to end the H1-b Visa Program DAY ONE of his presidency.  HE DIDN'T!!!  And I did not expect that either, but I did expect him to do something.  AND I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO MEET WITH TECH BILLIONAIRE OLLIGARCHS MONTHS INTO HIS  PRESIDENCY AND EMERGE FROM THAT MEETING INCREASING THE H1-B VISA RECIPIENTS.  BUT HE DID.  He lied, and lied and lied.  He has not fulfilled his promises from 2016.  This was a major aw-sh*t that wiped out all his that-a-boys for me.

As one that has been on system development efforts funded by the federal government, with 120 systems folk and 100 of them from India working at half the salary and no benefits, displacing Americans from what would be considered high paying jobs, it bothers me immensely.  IMMENSELY!  The American worker is being betrayed daily, with the H1-b Visa Program displacing white collar workers and the INVASION of illegal invaders across our southern border displacing blue collar workers, it is nothing less than criminal in my mind, and Trump did almost nothing.  Granted, he had near zero cooperation from his own party let alone the Democommies, but he did not get it done.  He alienated almost everyone that crossed his path. 

To be clear, we are talking 1.6 million Americans being displaced from white collar jobs by for the most part folks from India.  It is wrong.  Criminal in my mind and one of the worst betrayals of the American people.

Frankly, Trump announcing his candidacy two years ahead of time is literally a nightmare.  That means I will receive emails and texts every day until election day 2024 from him and his organization.  That will not win my vote.  Frankly, I am sick of him.  And I dislike him because of his lies from 2016 and now in regard to the American worker.  His rhetoric was music to my ears, and in the end, he was a big phony.  An outright liar, and to hear him say now he completed his promises, who the f*&^ is he kidding?  He will turn off EVERYONE in tech that knows the UGLY TRUTH about this reality.  We are talking millions of lost votes because he lies on this and he betrayed the white collar worker on the H1-b Visa Program.

Might as well have a rat like Biden as to have a lying double talker like Trump.  He is clueless.  And frankly, I am disgusted with the total failure of the Republicans to end the election rigging which was clearly evident from 2020.  They did nothing, literally nothing in states where they controlled the legislature.

I now understand people that never vote.  Why bother when the elections are fixed just like Russia, and the average dummy walking about is clueless.


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