Years ago, a woman on national news bragged about her and her daughter going and voting six times. They each committed five felonies. That woman's identity could have been easily determined, but I am 100% certain no one did a thing. It is for this reason that voter ID should be mandatory throughout the country.
2020 was 100% fixed. No mystery what happened. PA is an excellent example. In that huge Philly vote tabulation center, when they put the poster boards up and blocked the poll watchers from doing their job, EVERY VOTE in that center should have been rendered null and void. The reason there are poll watchers is because of the propensity of humans to cheat! Yes, cheat. Stopping a poll watcher from doing their job, and then nothing done about it shows how broken the system is in PA.
Our election system is completely corrupted. Electronic voting machines are actually easy to hack. That is a fact. Anyone that believes otherwise must believe in unicorns. That is why we will NEVER have honest voting until we return to paper ballots. And for those that don't remember, paper ballots were counted the day of the election and did not take a week of cheating to determine the outcome.