Author Topic: Gloria Allred’s October Surprises No Longer Surprise by Daniel J. Flynn  (Read 192 times)

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 Gloria Allred’s October Surprises No Longer Surprise
The attorney’s attack on Herschel Walker is as stale as last year’s Halloween candy.
by Daniel J. Flynn
October 27, 2022, 10:48 PM

Gloria Allred dropped another October Surprise this week that felt more like October than a surprise.

One comes to expect, like foliage or football, Ms. Allred to accuse some Republican somewhere of exploiting some woman somewhere during October if an election occurs the following month. Call this the October Surmise.

“In April of 1993, our client learned that she was pregnant,” Allred told the press this week about a woman who has accused Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker of paying for her abortion. “She was surprised.”

Allred’s noting elsewhere that the woman — anonymous, of course — started a six-year sexual relationship with the twenty-something running back in 1987 kinda-sorta undermines the claim of 1993 surprise. And Allred’s support for free abortion similarly gives the lie to her outrage over one man picking up the check for a procedure that she believes all taxpayers should subsidize.

Want to see a truly outraged Allred? Wait until a woman accuses Walker of trying to go Dutch at the abortuary or Mike Damone–ing his way out of chauffeuring duties.

The Fall (for it) Classic loses its shock value once one can count on it like the World Series or Halloween. People enjoying many trips around the sun — Allred currently is taking her 82nd ride — experience the sexual harassment lawyer’s press conferences attempting to muddy up Republicans (somehow Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton eluded Allred’s wrath) running for office as a given.

One day before the California gubernatorial recall and election in 2003, Allred carted out a Hollywood stuntwoman to allege groping by the leading Republican candidate, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Terminator nevertheless won — the election and the libel lawsuit Allred’s client filed against him.

Allred slightly altered her strategy when a woman succeeded Schwarzenegger as the next Republican nominee for governor in California. She avoided salaciousness and dropped the bomb in September rather than in October. The modus operandi nevertheless remained familiar.

“In 2010, just before the congressional and gubernatorial races that rocketed Tea Party candidates into American government, Allred represented a woman claiming that California candidate for governor, Meg Whitman, had hired her as a housekeeper illegally and then fired her unceremoniously the year before the election,” wrote a 2012 ABC News article on Allred’s autumn antics.

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