Author Topic: Kanye West claims George Floyd died by fentanyl; Floyd’s family considers lawsuit  (Read 1803 times)

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Offline sneakypete

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Dangerous move by the family. If Kanye wins, the family and BLM will be exposed as frauds even more than they already are now.


They are not worried because they have "Ghetto Legend" and "Black Racism" in their corner. Which automatically means they have the full support of the knee-jerk upper middle class "white guilt brigades",who are mentally conditioned to ALWAYS believe it is the fault of the police and/or white people ANY time a black dies that is within a city block of a white cop.

Generally speaking,EVERY group of humans believes what they WANT to believe because it is easier than thinking about  something,and sadly,many of the citizens of today have been condititoned to not even think because they have the media,including the main-stream press to think for them.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Grifters, all of them.  A man cannot speak an honest word for fear of being sued today.  West spoke the plain *ss truth.

This may cost him dearly, for  our court system is about as corrupt as anything can be.  Lawyers have destroyed so much in America.  This once great nation has been destroyed by them, and remnants are all that remain.


West has two BIG things going for him, though. Number 1,and the most important in this particular case is that he is not only black, he is a celebrity. This means a certain percentage of the black population is automatically to be torn between supporting a thug who was a junkie, woman beater, thief, and drug dealer, or supporting a black rap star that married a famous white bitch, which to most of THEM, most likely means he is "sticking it to de hot white debbil" every night."


Number 2 is that he is "stoopid rich", which means he can afford to hire the best lawyers going, as well as hire a PR firm to support him. Hell, he already HAS a PR firm on retainer! On top of automatically getting a lot of black support due to number 1 mentioned above.

Black racism is pretty much neutralized in this case, and it is going to cost the Floyd family. Chances are between their lawyers and fines for damages, they will be broke and back to whoring and selling drugs once the dust settles.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2022, 12:13:17 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!