Author Topic: 2 More Attorneys General Support Coalition Of 13 Telling Biden To ‘Stand Down’ From Repression Of Ch  (Read 238 times)

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2 More Attorneys General Support Coalition Of 13 Telling Biden To ‘Stand Down’ From Repression Of Child Mutilation Critics

Considering Garland’s history of targeting Americans based on leftist-led letter-writing campaigns, Republicans jumped at the chance to deter him from expanding his political enemies list.

OCTOBER 13, 2022

Thirteen Republican attorneys general sent a letter demanding Attorney General Merrick Garland “stand down” from prosecuting critics of the genital mutilation and chemical castration of minors. And when The Federalist asked other Republican AG offices whether they support the aims of the letter, two more affirmed their backing, highlighting how their states plan to fight against the Biden Department of Justice’s attacks against the regime’s opponents.

In the letter, Republican AGs in Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia, led by Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, warn Garland against “silencing critics of current gender dysphoria treatment practices for minors” because “it will lead to bad decision-making” and “erode public confidence in both the federal government and the medical community.”

The Republicans’ preemptive strike is a direct response to another letter Garland received this month from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association. These medical organizations, which had already solicited an increase in Big Tech’s censorship of transgender critics, asked the nation’s top law enforcer to investigate and prosecute the people spreading what they have deemed “disinformation” about the abuse of minors.

The increasingly leftist medical organizations claim intervention is necessary due to backlash over a series of journalistic reports exposing the willingness of Boston and Vanderbilt children’s hospitals to maim kids for profit.

Skrmetti and his attorneys general allies, however, say the federal government should “never criminalize criticism … Especially when something as important as our kids’ long-term well-being is at stake.”

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