Author Topic: Climate Crisis: False News Roundup  (Read 177 times)

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Climate Crisis: False News Roundup
« on: October 13, 2022, 02:00:16 pm »
Climate Crisis: False News Roundup
8 hours ago Kip Hansen 21 Comments
Opinion by Kip Hansen — 12 October 2022

I hope this will be a  “bi-weekly summary” without a firm belief that I will be able to sustain the effort – I admit to being stretched rather thin by my ongoing commitments.   I will debunk a few false climate crisis stories that don’t require an entire dedicated essay in each roundup.

The Asian Southwest Monsoon is Getting More Erratic and Violent
An easy start, as I’ve already covered this in:  “The Southwest Monsoon – More Erratic?”.    It is not.  It is as it has always been and has not changed substantially in the last 121 years that the governments of India (ever changing as well) have kept meticulous records.

Fall Allergies Are Real. And They’re Getting Worse.
If you needed to be told that fall allergies are real, you are not a fall allergy sufferer.    You can tell that this is a Climate Change® story because it has the mandatory opening of a positive assertion that “Some Unwanted Thing or Condition” (whatever one wants, in this case fall allergies) is “Real” – as always, telling readers this unnecessarily — no one thinks fall allergies are a hoax.

And why are they getting worse?  Climate Change! (of course….)
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
Thomas Jefferson