Author Topic: 97% Of All Scientists?  (Read 390 times)

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97% Of All Scientists?
« on: October 04, 2022, 01:26:28 am »
97% Of All Scientists?

The Actual Temperature Trend

The “97 percent of all scientists agree global warming is real and man-made” claim is heard often even though it has been exposed many times as false.  We documented the fraud in our book "Vapor Tiger," on sale at and so successful it has had over 1,000 reviews with some by paid political/academic assassins that we counter with answers that are both interesting and illuminating, but then "Nothing is more interesting than two scorpions in a brandy sniffer," according the late, great philosopher Barry Farber, mentor and friend.

Nonetheless, if you dare say, "CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere and not a very good absorber of infrared, heat, radiation," you will be hit with, “You disagree with 97 percent of all scientists?” and claims you are a "Neanderthal Ignoramous Deplorable," followed by several expletives we will here not repeat in good taste and audience consideration.

The 97 percent figure was used by the Obama Administration to bolster their case for phasing out fossil fuels for windmills and solar panels, neither of which produces power 24 hours per day, 365 days/year which is the way we need it.

The site: President Barack Obama used the "97%" figure often. NASA and NOAA cite studies purported to show unanimous support, but never include any basic science or demonstrations like our "CO2 Is Innocent" paper at: where we plainly show  CO2 does not heat the atmosphere with a demo that costs a few Dollars to do, nothing like the $1 trillion corrupt scientists have used to obtain about $1 trillion for grants since 1988, 30 years!

More recently, Newsweek included the "97%" figure in an article fretting about “climate deniers” in state legislatures trying to influence secondary school science curricula.  The author claimed “97% of scientists who actively study Earth’s climate say it is changing because of human activity,” which has never been true and we remind all that science demands proof not "peer review" consensus which is political.

Liberals use the CO2 consensus to shut down debate around global warming in their quest for more political power.  After all, how can you disagree with all those scientists, many of whom have spent their lives studying the climate?  You can because they are demonstrably wrong!

How many proponents of “climate action” have actually bothered to read the research that underlies such a popular talking point to say nothing of a simple demo experiment they could do for a few Dollars. How many realize the “consensus” claims to find is a political conclusion committed by a corrupt researcher who put all "no opinion" authors in the "Believer" group.  In truth 93% of the "no opinion" people were avoiding the issue as they know it is political and false!

In 2013 a study led by Australian researcher John Cook examined the claim there is a 97% consensus on global warming.  In the study Cook analyzed the abstracts of 11,944 peer-reviewed papers on global warming published between 1991 and 2011 to see what position they took on human influence on the climate.

Of those papers, just over 66 percent, or 7,930, took no position on man-made global warming. Only 32.6 percent, or 3,896, of peer-reviewed papers, endorsed the consensus humans contribute to global warming, while one percent of papers either rejected that position or were uncertain about it.  Given the easily obtained physical evidence of the kind we have shown this reflects very badly on the present physical science community.

Bear in mind these were all written by people who were hired or paid by grants to prove this case!  Grants defined by politicians who are ever looking for ways to assume more control over anything that will expand their power to tax.  It is just that simple.

John Cook stated the papers taking a position on global warming, 97.1 percent agreed that humans to some degree contribute to global warming.  For peer-reviewed papers the “97 percent consensus” is really only “32.6 percent consensus” and all are people whose income depends on professing that belief.

John Cook also invited the authors of these papers to rate their endorsement of the “consensus.” Cook emailed 8,574 queries to authors to rate their papers and only 1,189 authors, 14%, endorsed 2,142 papers. 86% would not endorse their own papers on this issue!

Again, 35.5 percent, or 761, of those self-rated papers took no position on the cause of global warming. Some 62.7 percent, or 1,342, of those papers endorsed the global warming “consensus,” while 1.8 percent, or 39, self-rated papers rejected it.  This is a confidence shattering "master" analysis, large scale or "global" analysis which is the "gold standard" of academia.

All of these people were hired to, or took grants for promoting this concept.  So, John Cook concluded 97.2 percent (1,342 of 1,381) of the self-rated papers with a position on global warming endorsed the idea humans were contributing to it!

Other studies written before and after Cook’s attempt to find a consensus, but to varying degrees, finding a range of a seven to 100 percent among climate experts.  Which is such a wild range any legitimate statistician would declare the question itself "a fraud."

Cook’s paper is the most widely cited and has been downloaded more than 600,000 times and cited in popular media outlets and by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change a committee of 2,500 diplomats that have never had more than 12 scientists in their ranks. 

We are in the LinkedIn System for professional scientists and have sent our 12 page paper "CO2 Is Innocent" to 5,500 atmospheric scientists around the world, in every country.  We include all physics, chemistry and stoichiometry plus a $5 demo anyone can do with household items, no lab required and not one has raised an objection, question or offered a criticism, but many have thanked us in spite of the fact their livelihoods depend on continuing the myth.  A similar number of readers at our "Science Frauds" blog have not objected to or corrected anything in the CO2 piece, but we have no way of knowing their credentials.

The sad fact is that CO2 not only does not heat the atmosphere in the concentrations we have or any possible over the next thousand years, but actually causes it to decline as adding CO2 pushes water vapor out!  We show this very clearly in an inexpensive demo-experiment you can read, clip-copy and authenticate with any physical scientist or teacher of Chemistry or Physics. See the paper at:  "CO2 Is Innocent."

The only conclusion is that this issue, handled politically with payoffs topping $1 trillion have forever poisoned physical science applied to the atmosphere and this could well destroy the nation at some point in the future.

Adrian Vance


( Posted by @Slide Rule )

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Re: 97% Of All Scientists?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2022, 03:00:53 am »
Of course, the real problems with the 97% of "all scientists" claim are such that if it were true, it would still be irrelevant to the truth of the matter.  First, most scientists are not experts on climatology, so their views are as relevant as those collected in a random survey of the populace at large.  Second, scientific truth has never been established by consensus (cf. the history of our understanding of the causation of peptic ulcers and the fate of the book entitled 100 Authors Against Einstein, to the publication of which Einstein remarked "If I had been wrong, one would have sufficed."). 

It may well be that 97% of climatologists will assent to some version of anthropogenic causation for recent shifts in climate, but that is not actually evidence of the truth of the matter, any more than the fact that about 10 years ago about 97% of theoretical physicists regarded string theory as the solution to all of the open problems in fundamental physics "proved" string theory was right.  Almost no theoretical physicists are working in string theory now, as it simply didn't work as advertised.
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this was all about.

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Re: 97% Of All Scientists?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2022, 07:17:50 pm »
97% of all scientists who are paid to parrot the politicians' dogma
parrot the politicians' dogma.
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao

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Re: 97% Of All Scientists?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2022, 10:31:51 pm »
Scientists have never been able to explain the 400 year period of warming of more than one thousand years ago where Greenland was so warm, it was settled by the Vikings who grew grapes and other crops not possible in usually very cold climates.
So why did the area warm up, and why did it cool down? No SUVs around at the time to blame. No huge industries belching CO2 into the atmosphere.
If Greenland was that warm, it would seem that many other far northern parts of the Earth were very warm as well. Why is there no record of coastal settlements in northern Europe being flooded by rising sea water?
If just a few more degrees of warming of the Earth will destroy it, why wasn't the Earth destroyed millions of years ago when the average temp was much warmer than it is now?