General Category > Economy/Business

Biden demands oil and gas companies lower prices ahead of midterms, as reserves dwindle: ‘Do it now!

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There are Dems out there who are still -holding the faith-. And they do believe that regardless of all the Destruction Pedo Joe has caused in America and the world, that he is still -better than Evil Trump-.

Still waiting for 30 FBI thugs to start raiding gas stations at gunpoint, stealing their phones as they love to do, and forcing them to lower gas prices before the midterms. Even if it means the station will lose money on every gallon sold.

I just put gas in my car, less than I thought I would because gas has gone up $1.20 in the last 7 or 8 days....another Biden success  :thud: **nononono*

His handlers are just trying to get in front of what's coming this winter.

Blame high prices on those evil energy companies and not what his administration has done to make them skyrocket.

It's like an abusive husband demanding that you stop bleeding while beating you. It's all your fault your bleeding...


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