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Limbaugh: GOP caved on budget deal



Limbaugh: GOP caved on budget deal
By Daniel Strauss - 04/11/11 01:05 PM ET

Rush Limbaugh said Monday that Republican leaders "caved" on the budget deal they struck with the White House on Friday night.

On his radio show, the conservative firebrand said he was less than enthusiastic about the $38.5 billion federal spending compromise.

Limbaugh said he wished the spending cuts had been larger.

"We've shown that we'll cave. We have demonstrated that we will cave if they threaten something like government shutdown," Limbaugh said.


Listened to him for 3 hours on this here in the office. I couldn't disagree with his opinion here more.

Whats worse, his facts were wrong. Thats the stunning part to me. He's rarely 'off' like he is here. His premise is based upon Boehner and company pledging they'd cut 100 billion from the 'budget'.

This isn't a 'budget' produce by the GOP House. Its a CR.


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