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Will DeSantis run in 2024?

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Of Course Ron DeSantis Will Run…and He May Very Well Win

Kurt  Schlichter
Posted: Sep 22, 2022 12:01 AM

When Ron DeSantis is consulting renowned experts about whether or not to run for president in 2024, the man he is most likely to listen to is President Chris Christie. Well, not literally listen. He’ll instead learn from the potential prezzy who ended up presiding in network green rooms instead of the White House because he declined to run when he had his big – well, everything about him is big – chance in 2012. The Gov will also look to the lessons of President Mario Cuomo. These two guys hesitated and missed their window, just like there are some folks – Mitt Romney, John Kerry, Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit – who never actually had a window at all yet still tried to dive through one and ended up defenestrating themselves.

Remember a decade ago when we had Christiemania, when he was a breath of fresh air blowing away lib pieties after an improbable New Jersey governor win? And instead of striking while the presidential iron was hot, he failed to go for it, and now he will never be president of anything except maybe the International Society to Prevent Cardio. Mario Cuomo similarly blew it in the 80s. He was the Dem candidate who sped up the Dems’ heartbeats with his unapologetic defense of liberal values. He had his shot, and played Hamlet, and never became president. Today, he’s remembered only for being the father of two big creeps.

The 2024 cycle is undoubtedly Ron DeSantis’s moment. He won a first election that everyone expected him to lose as the governor of the Free State of Florida. He will win a crushing victory over secret lizard-person Charlie Crist this November. And he has set about owning the libs hard not merely by humiliating them for their hypocrisy with awesome moves like sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard but with substantive conservative policies that are sucking the remaining productive people out of hellscapes like New York and California.

He has governed like a conservative, and he has the receipts. Florida works. Its kids went back to school while blue state bosses were still sacrificing their own kids’ futures to the garbage teacher unions. He is fighting wokeness and its poisonous CRT ideology. He treats the media like what it is – a pack of flunkies. And when he picks fights, he wins them. The base loves him. The polls bode well, to the extent polls are not mere onanism.

If Donald Trump was not still in the picture, he would be the unquestioned frontrunner. But Donald Trump is in the picture.


I do not believe DeSantis will challenge Trump. Cruz won't do that either.

   It has been 12 years (Tea Party) since we Conservatives have had a legitimate say in this game.  Instead of this 1 step forward 2 steps back populous crap.

Probable have a few good candidates run if not for the stoner option (which does not really include Ted Cruz) of Trump vowing to ruin anyone that runs against him just because he is so self centered.

My option was not found.   corbe poll fail.


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