Author Topic: Depopulationist Bill Gates Is Likely Responsible for the Rise of Polio in America and Across the Glo  (Read 468 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Liberty Daily J.D. Rucker Sep. 18, 2022

Polio is mysteriously surging through New York City and almost certainly in other places across the nation. A state of emergency has been declared by Governor Kathy Hochul as scientists warn that this is a vaccine-derived version of the deadly disease.

Now, data points are emerging, albeit slowly, in western media as the scourge of Bill Gates is becoming clear. This has been well known in places like India where the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have worked hard to get the live oral polio vaccine administered to as many people as possible. The results: Nearly half-a-million children have become paralyzed since 2000.

One might wonder how this could possibly be allowed to continue in India, Africa, and other developing regions. The answer is infuriating. They’ve gotten away with it because they renamed the disease. Seriously. The massive number of adverse reactions are being blamed on “non-polio acute flaccid paralysis” (NPAFP), which honest scientists and doctors admit is just a rebranding of a new and more deadly strain of polio that emerged from the vaccines.

Now, it’s here in the United States despite the fact that the Gates vaccine was outlawed here over two decades ago. Has it been quietly reintroduced to spark the next round of Pandemic Panic Theater?

According to Rebel News:

    The news of a polio resurgence has ushered panic into the city with city officials reminding people to get vaccinated and expanding vaccine access via polio vaccine centers. The city is using vaccine infrastructure that was originally set up to combat COVID.


Offline libertybele

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This is alarming, though I am not surprised that Gates is instrumental in the rise of polio.

I've said it before.  He is one of the most evil men alive.
Romans 12:16-21

Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly, do not claim to be wiser than you are.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.  If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all…do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Offline christian

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  • I need to be in love, K.c. R.C.
Like i've said before here, Gates wants to cull human numbers down to a small number of privileged elites.
Lewinskys don't care, they think playing monica will save them.  Fools that they be.......
Card carrying member of the national F-Joe Biden movement, and his minions