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FBI ‘Didn’t Find What They Were Looking For’ During Trump Raid, Says Former Intel Chief



FBI ‘Didn’t Find What They Were Looking For’ During Trump Raid, Says Former Intel Chief
Jon Dougherty September 7, 2022

The former top U.S. spy chief believes that the FBI came up short during its raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate early last month.

John Ratcliffe, a former U.S. congressman from Texas whom Trump tapped to serve as director of national intelligence, told Fox News last week that the bureau “didn’t find what they were looking” for, based on his observations.

“I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games,” Ratcliffe said, in reference to Justice Department officials. “They don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist.”

The Justice Department’s arguments against having a federal court appoint a special master to review allegedly classified documents “tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for,” Ratcliffe continued.

“There weren’t nuclear secrets” at Trump’s estate, he noted further, “and they’re trying to justify what they’ve done. They’re not playing it straight before the American people. I think that that’s going to play out.”

The Epoch Times noted further that Ratcliffe did not go into specific evidence regarding his claims, however.

The outlet noted further:

Since the Aug. 8 raid on Mar-a-Lago, neither the DOJ nor the FBI has revealed what materials agents were trying to find. A heavily redacted affidavit used to obtain the search warrant last week provided few details, but it said prosecutors believed there were allegedly classified documents being kept in Trump’s Florida residence.

The former president and some former White House aides say that Trump had a standing order to declassify any materials that left the Oval Office and were taken to Mar-a-Lago.



--- Quote from: mystery-ak on September 07, 2022, 02:17:34 pm ---
FBI ‘Didn’t Find What They Were Looking For’ During Trump Raid, Says Former Intel Chief
Jon Dougherty September 7, 2022

“There weren’t nuclear secrets” at Trump’s estate, he noted further, “and they’re trying to justify what they’ve done. They’re not playing it straight before the American people. I think that that’s going to play out.”

--- End quote ---

I think that's probably right.

Get rid of all the noise and what really happened was that the DOJ raided an approved SKIF guarded by Secret Service to recover, what for all intensive porpoises, were documents that were in every likelihood declassified by Presidential order.

This stinks of desperation - and someone with enough power to play the DOJ being just that desperate. The risk of this blowing up was obvious and real.

And like I said before, Tumpy would have to be a stone-ground idiot to keep whatever dirt he has in such an obvious repository. I said some time ago that they didn't find what they were looking for.

Such an egregious assault has consequences of its own, but I would not be surprised to see some high profile evidence against high profile people come to a sudden light in retaliation.

This is so much the epitome of political theatre and the raid utterly and completely unnecessary!!!  They just so hate 45 that no amount of common sense will guide their thinking.  "Common sense" being a foreign concept to these folks I know.  Trump was working with these DOJ people.  OK, he may have resisted a bit now and again (if reports are true), but he was the President of the USA for pete's sake! Respect the office, take the time to work with him and don't invade his privacy and life. This just tells you how much he's detested.

Also, I wish Trump would announce. He can't possibly be thinking to do so as the GOP suggested, after the November elections??

My morning rant for today....  9999hair out0000

Bad Kitty For Congress 😼🌹
JAKE SULLIVAN, Biden's national security adviser is married to Maggie Gonelander, the top counselor for Merrick Garland who personally ordered the Trump raid. Sperry thinks this was all related to Jake Sullivans Iran deal.

Guess they didn't find what they were looking for....


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