Author Topic: Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears: School choice is 'the new fight in the Brown vs. Board of Education'  (Read 1470 times)

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Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears: School choice is 'the new fight in the Brown vs. Board of Education'

Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears previewed on "Sunday Night in America" what she considered the most important issue coming into the 2022 election season: education.

Host Trey Gowdy discussed the ongoing efforts by many Republican figures like Sears to expand school choice for parents of school children as President Biden seeks to cancel loan debts for university students. Sears argued that Black families such as hers have been forced to fight the teachers’ unions to provide school choice for their kids.

"People who look like me say it’s about time we have that same ability as everybody else because the other side, unfortunately, is using education as a political weapon. But, as a parent, there’s only one question: is my child learning? That’s it. Full stop. Is my child learning, because with a good education my child will have a future, will have a hope, will be able to create generational wealth," Sears said.

She further suggested that the fight for school choice has become a new "Brown vs. Board of Education" issue among Black and minority families................
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