Author Topic: Barr: ‘Unprecedented’ Trump Had Classified Docs in a Country Club — He ‘Jerked Around’ DOJ for a Yea  (Read 6151 times)

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Barr: ‘Unprecedented’ Trump Had Classified Docs in a Country Club — He ‘Jerked Around’ DOJ for a Year

Pam Key 2 Sep 2022

Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr said Friday on FNC’s “America Reports” that it is “unprecedented” that former President Donald Trump had classified material at his Florida estate and he “jerked around” the Department of Justice for a year while they tried to recover the documents.

Sandra Smith asked, “Do you think this type of this raid was avoidable? Do you think a second subpoena, for example, could have been issued?”

Barr said, “I personally think for them to have taken things to the current point, they probably have pretty good evidence, but that’s speculation. And until we see that, it’s hard to say.”

He added, “Now, let me just say, I think the driver on this from the beginning was, you know, loads of classified information sitting in Mar-a-Lago. People say this was unprecedented, but it’s also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put him in a country club. And how long is the government going to try to get that back? You know, they jawboned for a year. They were deceived on the voluntary actions taken. They then went and got a subpoena. They were deceived on that. They feel and the record, the facts are starting to show that they were being jerked around. And so how long, you know, how long do they wait?”
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Peter Strzok: ‘Worst Person in the World’ Bill Barr Is Right – Trump Jerked Around DOJ

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former Attorney General Bill Barr is right for criticizing former President Donald Trump on his handling of government materials.
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Anyone who knows much about Trump and his behavior shouldn't be surprised at all.  He may have even used the top secret documents to wipe his hands after eating a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.


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Anyone who knows much about Trump and his behavior shouldn't be surprised at all.  He may have even used the top secret documents to wipe his hands after eating a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.


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Unfortunately Trump picked another really bad apple.
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Unfortunately Trump picked another really bad apple.

I still have not seen Gentleman Sessions throw his former boss under the bus... even after being pooped on a dozen times.
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Unfortunately Trump picked another really bad apple.

Some days you're outraged (or defeated) by the depth, scope and power of the entrenched Washington administrative state and on others you appear to deny its existence.

What's up with this back and forth @libertybele ?

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Anyone who knows much about Trump and his behavior shouldn't be surprised at all.  He may have even used the top secret documents to wipe his hands after eating a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Online libertybele

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Some days you're outraged (or defeated) by the depth, scope and power of the entrenched Washington administrative state and on others you appear to deny its existence.

What's up with this back and forth @libertybele ?

???  Are you denying how many people Trump selected that turned around and stabbed him in the back??  Of course I am outraged by what they've done and the obvious coup.

Pence, Sessions, Barr, Rosenstein are just a few but I believe they are the people that hurt him the most; all those bad apples however are his picks. 

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Speaking of jerks, Barr said what?

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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???  Are you denying how many people Trump selected that turned around and stabbed him in the back??

Pence, Sessions, Barr, Rosenstein are just a few but I believe they are the people that hurt him the most; all those bad apples however are his picks.

That these appointees stabbed the President in the back is evidence of how powerful the administrative state is @libertybele   Each of the men you listed above came through recommendations from his own political party.  To who else was Trump to turn for recommendations on experienced government officials?

These men flipped on Trump the moment they assessed Trump was going to lose and the state was going to win --- a straightforward case of self-preservation over principle.  This tells us who these men are, not Trump.

Trump is working very hard to amass a cadre of America First advisors and government officials around the country for his second term.  We should be helping and supporting him in these efforts.  It's all for our benefit.

FWIW,  I'm looking forward to the time when blaming Donald Trump for having to wade through an incestuous and corrupt federal government is no longer accepted dogma.

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That these appointees stabbed the President in the back is evidence of how powerful the administrative state is @libertybele   Each of the men you listed above came through recommendations from his own political party.  To who else was Trump to turn for recommendations on experienced government officials?

These men flipped on Trump the moment they assessed Trump was going to lose and the state was going to win --- a straightforward case of self-preservation over principle.  This tells us who these men are, not Trump.

Trump is working very hard to amass a cadre of America First advisors and government officials around the country for his second term.  We should be helping and supporting him in these efforts.  It's all for our benefit.

FWIW,  I'm looking forward to the time when blaming Donald Trump for having to wade through an incestuous and corrupt federal government is no longer accepted dogma.


In his lifetime before becoming president, Trump had been to Washington DC maybe a dozen times. And that’s only because in recent years he bought a hotel there. Otherwise, he’s a New Yorker. He and his transition team had no political network in DC on which he could rely. If some appointees turned out to be swamp creatures, that was on RNC Reince Priebus, et al.

Online roamer_1

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Poor little Tumpy... He can't help it...  *****rollingeyes*****

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Sidelines an awfully comfortable place from which to hold forth isn’t it, roam. I suppose in the same duplicitous environment that Trump—pardon, Trumpy—faced, you could’ve done better?

Offline mountaineer

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Poor little Tumpy... He can't help it...  *****rollingeyes*****
Can't help what?

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Can't help what?

Maybe @roamer_1 forgot what the times were like. Trump not only didn’t get a honeymoon period and traditional well wishes for the incoming president. They were actively framing and backstabbing him and trying to arrest him on any whim democrats croaked forth.

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Sidelines an awfully comfortable place from which to hold forth isn’t it, roam. I suppose in the same duplicitous environment that Trump—pardon, Trumpy—faced, you could’ve done better?

I know it's usually good form to quote me or ping me to messages about me...

And I am not on the sidelines. I am just not supporting what some suppose I should, you included I would guess. Hence your apparent attempt at stuffing me in that pigeon hole... Which is really rather funny.

I think Tumpy is every bit as duplicitous as those around him. I think there is no way to be a captain of industry without the very same duplicitous nature that is present in political realms.

I think he is also dirty - You don't rise to the top of business in 'hospitality' and gambling dens, not to mention operating in NYC in any volume without being dirty.

That certainly is no compliment, I know. But it is reality. The very same thing that makes him a knuckle-buster requires street smarts, and street smarts come only with experience with the soft underbelly of the street.

In fact, that's likely why they are coming for him... Because he has dirt. And I have said right here on this thread that they would find nothing at Mar a Largo, because he would have to be a total idiot to leave his dirt on folks laying around where they could get at it. He may be a whole lot of things, but he ain't an idiot by a long way.

What gets me though is the attempt by all y'all to paint him as a patron saint, always 200  steps ahead of the evil doers, playing 10 dimensional chess to their checkers... And then try to defend his ineptitude with some sort of ignorance of the system that he's been courting for more than half his life... And how the evil-doers somehow pulled the wool over his eyes.

Pardon my derision, but the dichotomy is hilarious.

And as to my doing it better... Aw hell no. I played similar games in my yoot and learned eventually to avoid them. I don't want anything like the games he plays and wouldn't touch em with a 10 foot pole.

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Maybe @roamer_1 forgot what the times were like. Trump not only didn’t get a honeymoon period and traditional well wishes for the incoming president. They were actively framing and backstabbing him and trying to arrest him on any whim democrats croaked forth.

Ahh! So you DO know how to ping and to quote... Good to know.  :laugh:

As to your statement: So what? They've done the same all the way along. He's a big boy, right? Shoot, most the time he brings it on himself - cat-fighting with the very people that are out to get him. That they retaliate in similar fashion surprises you?

This ain't tiddleywinks.  happy77

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I think Tumpy is every bit as duplicitous as those around him. I think there is no way to be a captain of industry without the very same duplicitous nature that is present in political realms.

I think he is also dirty - You don't rise to the top of business in 'hospitality' and gambling dens, not to mention operating in NYC in any volume without being dirty.

Posting the preamble to the "Losers' Creed"   pointing-up   is virtue-signaling at its most deficient.

I played similar games in my yoot and learned eventually to avoid them.

Translation:  ran away.

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Why is it that Democrats never have any problem finding attorneys general who will do the party's political bidding and use the federal apparatus for bludgeoning political opponents and covering up their own people's transgressions? I speak, of course, of Eric Holder and Merrick Garland.  Then the Republicans get in and suddenly they become "principled." In fact, our people often hold Republicans to a higher standard than Democrats.

I think Trump did a fine job in some respects, but he did a terrible job of cleaning house at the justice department and FBI. Barr was not a bad attorney general, but he certainly was not as loyal to his president as Merrick Garland or Eric Holder, both of which are basically mob boss consiglieres. 

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Barr was the Colonel Klink of the DOJ.

Placed there by Trump.

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Why is it that Democrats never have any problem finding attorneys general who will do the party's political bidding and use the federal apparatus for bludgeoning political opponents and covering up their own people's transgressions? I speak, of course, of Eric Holder and Merrick Garland.  Then the Republicans get in and suddenly they become "principled." In fact, our people often hold Republicans to a higher standard than Democrats.

I think Trump did a fine job in some respects, but he did a terrible job of cleaning house at the justice department and FBI. Barr was not a bad attorney general, but he certainly was not as loyal to his president as Merrick Garland or Eric Holder, both of which are basically mob boss consiglieres.

When you have someone who is unfamiliar with the politics of DC and you rely on advisors [GOPe] for recommendations for positions in the Admin this is what happens..Trump is wiser now with the machinations of DC and I hope has learned his lessons on appointing people to top positions in his admin
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I think Trump did a fine job in some respects, but he did a terrible job of cleaning house at the justice department and FBI.

Wasn't insuring this one of the goals of the non-stop, concurrent "investigations" into the President, his family, his private businesses and members of his administration @massadvj ?  If memory serves, "obstruction of justice" is not without consequences.

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Posting the preamble to the "Losers' Creed"   pointing-up   is virtue-signaling at its most deficient.

HAHAHAHA! Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. I have lost nothing.

Translation:  ran away.

Nah. I was pretty good at it. Even in business. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. That's the breaks. Like I said... I learned to avoid it. All that glitters is not gold.