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Report on Possible Trump Charges Leaves the Resistance Reeling

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Report on Possible Trump Charges Leaves the Resistance Reeling
By Bonchie | Aug 31, 2022 1:30 PM ET

As RedState reported, the DOJ dropped a filing on Tuesday evening in an attempt to deny the appointment of a special master regarding the documents seized during the now infamous Trump raid. In that filing was a photograph that set leftwing hearts a flutter, purporting to show “top secret” documents scattered on the floor of a Mar-a-Lago storage room.

In reality, the documents were found in boxes per the DOJ’s own documentation.

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The DOJ knew what it was doing putting that photo out, though. They wanted to gin up more “the walls are closing in” outrage from the left, and sure enough, they got it. Social media was swamped with hysterical declarations that charges were incoming. That picture was “criminal evidence,” they screeched while racking up the likes and shares along the way.

But while The New York Times broke the story (because it’s a DOJ pipeline for leaks), apparently many didn’t bother to read the details. There’s a rather inconvenient line not being talked about.

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Here’s a taste of the reaction to that news.


(Bloomberg News)

Jennifer Jacobs

Scoop: Federal prosecutors likely to wait until after Nov election to announce any action against Trump, if they determine he broke any laws, sources tell @cstrohm. Under DOJ policy, no investigative steps 60 days before election. This year, that's Sept. 10.

1:18 PM · Aug 31, 2022·Twitter Web App

Robert Barnes

Reminder: federal courts determined as a matter of law that the President unilaterally decides what is a personal or Presidential Record, and their determination is not reviewable by anyone. DOJ lied in court on this issue in Trump raid.


(NY Times author)

--- Quote ---Other_Walls

They apparently did NOT find any of the FISA documents that they were really looking for, and “they don’t have a criminal case.” (@barnes_law) Info in the search warrant tipped their hand that they were not interested in “obstruction of justice.”

The fact that they are discussing this openly tells you this is NOT going to head toward an indictment.
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(New York Times author)

--- Quote ---Jim Rickards

Trump will be indicted sometime in the next 30 days. Biden’s speech tomorrow is to lay out the pretext. Get ready; this is definitely not priced.
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