Author Topic: Federal Court Blocks Biden Admin’s Plan To Make Doctors Perform Mutilative Transgender Surgeries  (Read 243 times)

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Federal Court Blocks Biden Admin’s Plan To Make Doctors Perform Mutilative Transgender Surgeries

AUGUST 29, 2022

A federal court on Friday struck down Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services’ attempt to force doctors to perform mutilative transgender surgeries against their religious beliefs and conscience objections.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the lawsuit Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra that “a Catholic healthcare network and a group of nearly 19,000 healthcare professionals cannot be required to carry out these procedures in violation of their deeply held beliefs and professional medical judgment,” according to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a nonprofit law firm that seeks to protect religious freedom.

HHS originally mandated that physicians perform wrongly named “sex-reassignment” surgeries as part of Obamacare in May 2016. “The requirement would have forced doctors to perform these procedures on any patient, including on children, even if the procedures went against their conscience and professional medical judgment,” Becket said following Friday’s ruling.

An association that included thousands of health care professionals, two hospitals, and eight states challenged the original Obamacare mandate in August 2016 in a Texas district court. A preliminary ruling was issued in December 2016 maintaining that this was “unlawful overreach by a federal agency,” which the court confirmed in 2019. But because the court did not “issue an order permanently stopping the government from imposing this unlawful mandate on religious hospitals and doctors,” Becket “appealed on behalf of the challengers.”

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