Author Topic: TWO YEARS after election, Post Office just now finds 2020 ballots  (Read 1692 times)

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Online Elderberry

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WND 8/23/2022

'We deeply regret the late delivery of these mailpieces'

While President Donald Trump – and many others – have been expressing concern over anomalies that became evident during the 2020 presidential election, Democrats and many establishment figures in the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy have expressed that it was flawless, nearly perfect, without so much as a hint of a failure.

Now a Post Office in Baltimore apparently has turned up evidence of that perfection.

WMAR-TV, the city's ABC affiliate, said the USPS facility found a tray of undelivered mail, and it included 26 blank ballots from 2020.

The letters were just delivered.

And now, the Baltimore Board of Elections is trying "to understand" how this happened.


Offline libertybele

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Re: TWO YEARS after election, Post Office just now finds 2020 ballots
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2022, 10:41:45 pm »
WND 8/23/2022

'We deeply regret the late delivery of these mailpieces'

While President Donald Trump – and many others – have been expressing concern over anomalies that became evident during the 2020 presidential election, Democrats and many establishment figures in the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy have expressed that it was flawless, nearly perfect, without so much as a hint of a failure.

Now a Post Office in Baltimore apparently has turned up evidence of that perfection.

WMAR-TV, the city's ABC affiliate, said the USPS facility found a tray of undelivered mail, and it included 26 blank ballots from 2020.

The letters were just delivered.

And now, the Baltimore Board of Elections is trying "to understand" how this happened.


Right, like the Baltimore Board of Elections doesn't know who such a thing could have happened.  *****rollingeyes*****
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