Author Topic: Just What 'Transformative Research' Was NIH Funding at Boston Children's Hospital?  (Read 277 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Just What 'Transformative Research' Was NIH Funding at Boston Children's Hospital?

By Sarah Lee
Aug 23, 2022

When Elon Musk recently requested the GOP should stay out of people’s bedrooms, he glossed over a very real phenomenon he apparently thinks only happens with the support of one side of the political aisle.  But if he’s truly interested in getting the government out of people’s bedrooms, he’ll have to broaden his condemnation. Because Democrats and progressives are very much in people’s bedrooms. So much so, in fact, that an argument could be made that part of why the transgender debate seems to be everywhere now is because the left has funded it to ensure it’s relentlessly culturally pervasive.

Look no further than Boston Children’s Hospital, which has become the face of the transgender youth movement, and not in a good way. It’s no mystery why people are horrified by what’s been going on in these hallowed, Harvard-adjacecnt halls. A look at some of their videos selling “gender affirming” surgery make the hairs on the back of the neck stand up, especially when considering the mutilation involved in using forearm flesh to create fake phalluses for young girls.

The grim reality of what Boston Children’s Hospital been doing (read: disfiguring young people in the name of gender equity) is only overshadowed by the strange hubris of announcing it as “gender affirming”.

But the term is not their own. The descriptor “gender affirming” is one with a foothold in progressive politics. If you’ve not heard of the Pritzker family — “who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker [a transgender woman],” writes Tablet Magazine — then you’re missing much of the story of how America came to grapple with gender equity on an unprecedented scale.

[The Pritzker family] appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions.

The creation and normalization of SSI [synthetic sex identities] speaks much more directly to what is happening in American culture, and elsewhere, under an umbrella of human rights. With the introduction of SSI, the current incarnation of the LGBTQ+ network—as distinct from the prior movement that fought for equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans, and which ended in 2020 with Bostock v. Clayton County, finding that LGBTQ+ is a protected class for discrimination purposes—is working closely with the techno-medical complex, big banks, international law firms, pharma giants, and corporate power to solidify the idea that humans are not a sexually dimorphic species—which contradicts reality and the fundamental premises not only of “traditional” religions but of the gay and lesbian civil rights movements and much of the feminist movement, for which sexual dimorphism and resulting gender differences are foundational premises.

*  *  *


Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Boston Children's Hospital personnel are receiving death threats as a result of disinformation.

Threats of death or harm are not political discourse nor free speech.

Good people who do good work in the real world are being threatened by online trolls.  Stop the shit.

This is personal to me.  My cousin works as a nurse in the neo-natal ICU.  They saved my friend's child.  They've helped my sister.  They saved my wife's life on many occassions when she was a child.

Boston Children's Hospital saves lives everyday.  What comparable contributions to humanity and society have internet trolls, BillboardChris and Sarah Lee, made?
Boston Children's Hospital Receiving 'Violent' Threats Over Misinformation About Healthcare for Trans Youth

"Boston Children's does not perform genital surgeries as part of gender-affirming care on a patient under the age of 18," said the hospital in a statement. ...
Boston Children's Hospital faces threats over gender-affirming care
Boston Children’s Hospital says it faces threats after right-wing tweets
Boston Children's Hospital warns employees over far-right online harassment campaign
Threats Against Boston Children's Hospital Leave Doctors Concerned for Family Safety
Statement from U.S. Attorney Rachael S. Rollins Regarding Alleged Threats Made to Boston Children's Hospital
Boston Children's Hospital says it's gotten violent threats over care for transgender children
Right-wing groups hit Boston Children’s with barrage of threats over trans health program
Boston Children’s Hospital deluged in harassment campaign
Far-Right Extremists Are Threatening to ‘Execute’ Doctors at a Children’s Hospital

« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 08:48:48 pm by DefiantMassRINO »
"It doesn't matter what temperature the room is, it's always room temperature." - Steven Wright

Offline Kamaji

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Boston Children's Hospital personnel are receiving death threats as a result of disinformation.

Threats of death or harm are not political discourse nor free speech.

Boston Children's Hospital saves lives everyday.  What comparable contributions to humanity and society have BillboardChris and Sarah Lee made?

Good people who do good work in the real world are being threatened by online trolls.  Stop the shit.
Boston Children's Hospital Receiving 'Violent' Threats Over Misinformation About Healthcare for Trans Youth

"Boston Children's does not perform genital surgeries as part of gender-affirming care on a patient under the age of 18," said the hospital in a statement. ...
Boston Children's Hospital faces threats over gender-affirming care
Boston Children’s Hospital says it faces threats after right-wing tweets
Boston Children's Hospital warns employees over far-right online harassment campaign
Threats Against Boston Children's Hospital Leave Doctors Concerned for Family Safety
Statement from U.S. Attorney Rachael S. Rollins Regarding Alleged Threats Made to Boston Children's Hospital
Boston Children's Hospital says it's gotten violent threats over care for transgender children
Right-wing groups hit Boston Children’s with barrage of threats over trans health program
Boston Children’s Hospital deluged in harassment campaign
Far-Right Extremists Are Threatening to ‘Execute’ Doctors at a Children’s Hospital

Right, Boston Children's Hospital is pure as the driven snow:

Boston Children's Hospital deletes references to vaginoplasties for 17-year-olds amid online furor

Boston Children’s Hospital is facing a wave of backlash over its Center for Gender Surgery that performs mastectomies on teenagers as young as 15, as well as since-deleted wording on the hospital's website that claimed teens as young as 17 can get vaginoplasties.

The hospital’s website stated as recently as Aug. 12 that "to qualify for gender affirmation at Boston Children's Hospital, you must be at least 18 years old for phalloplasty or metoidioplasty and at least 17 years old for vaginoplasty," according to The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

That wording has since been changed to read, "To qualify for gender affirmation at Boston Children's Hospital, you must be at least 18 years old for phalloplasty or metoidioplasty and for vaginoplasty."
