Author Topic: Dozens of high-water rescues are underway as the drought-parched Dallas area gets a summer's worth o  (Read 1367 times)

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Dozens of high-water rescues are underway as the drought-parched Dallas area gets a summer's worth of rain in a day

Dozens of high-water rescues were underway Monday -- amid more than 450 such pleas since the prior night -- as greater Dallas faces the threat of more flooding caused by sudden, climate crisis-fueled storms that have stunned parts of Texas afflicted by "flash drought."

Another area of Dallas had 15.16 inches, the according to the NWS.

A flood watch was in effect for Dallas and Tarrant counties continue until 8 p.m. CT Monday, the NWS said.

Dallas Fire-Rescue tweeted that the agency has responded to 195 high-water rescues around the city from 6 p.m. Sunday to 1:37 pm Monday, while the Fort Worth Fire Department said it had conducted 174 investigations/rescues.
Hundreds of traffic accidents also have been reported, according to the Dallas Police Department.
Nearly 15 million people from northeastern Texas into northern Louisiana and far southern Arkansas are covered by flood watches from the same system that unleashed heavy rain and flash floods this weekend in parts of the Southwest..........,ac_none/220822124734-desktop-texas-flooding-3.mp4
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