State Chapters > NY/NJ

100+ Baby Turtles ‘Literally Mowed Down' by Long Island Workers, Animal Group Claims


NBC New York 8/18/2022

A Long Island animal group is alleging that Suffolk County workers "literally mowed down" more than 100 snapping turtle hatchlings and demanding an investigation into what happened.

On Wednesday, he called on the county parks department and the New York Department of Environmental Protection to look into the matter, and said officials need "enact a prohibition on mowing over or otherwise disturbing nesting sites" at the estate during the spring, summer and into the fall.

"This massacre of more than 100 hatchlings is just the latest of a disturbing series of deaths attributed to human carelessness on Long Island, including federally protected shorebirds having their nests destroyed on the South Shore, a yellow warbler dying after being caught in a glue-trap at a Nassau County Preserve, and a rash of wildlife deaths attributed to rodenticides," Di Leonardo said.


Free Vulcan:
Shoulda let them turtles live! They're good eatin'!


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