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Civility, Unions? Reform Only "Over Thousands of Dead Bodies"


Civility, Unions? Reform Only "Over Thousands of Dead Bodies"
April 6, 2011


RUSH: This is Richard Rogers, who is the Greater Boston Labor Council executive secretary/treasurer.  This happened Monday in Boston at a rally called We Are One.

ROGERS:  To the Republican Party of Massachusetts, if you think this is gonna happen here, it's going to be over thousands of people's dead bodies. If you think Wisconsin was anything, we need to stop these guys in their tracks now and kill their bills at the statehouse.

RUSH:  (imitating Rogers) "And to the Republican Party of Massachusetts, if you think this is gonna happen --" he's talking about Wisconsin, "-- it's gonna happen over thousands of people's dead bodies."  They must not have gotten the civility memo out there, folks, from Obama after the incident in Arizona.




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