General Category > Mar-a-Lago Raid

FBI bulletin warns of 'dirty bomb' threat, increasing calls for 'civil war' after raid of Mar-a-Lago

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--- Quote from: catfish1957 on August 14, 2022, 10:12:10 pm ---So let me get this straight.....

A member of the House of Representative, and the power that entiails has worries about his life, even with the unlimited resources of the FBI and DHS at his disposal.

Not 100% sure yet of False Flag status, but the way this one was worded sure doesn't pass the good smell test.

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Words for word, what I thought when I herd this crap this am on the Radio.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on August 15, 2022, 03:00:03 pm ---Sometimes the real 'tell' when it comes to guilt is the behaviour of the guilty party.

Like a puppy who chewed up your favorite slipper, and knows they did wrong.

Only these aren't puppies, they have badges and stuff to hide behind, claim colour of law, and are rabid rat paranoid that the American People are going to react with the sort of malice that, well, they would, if they thought they could get away with it. There are limits, after all, and sooner or later some judge will invoke them (kinda like border laws).

They know they done wrong, went too far, and are expecting trouble over it.

Well, just wait until your father gets home (and stew). The days of this regime are numbered, and it will be replaced in 2024.
Then the prosecutions can start, with a bunch of fresh faces on the bench.
For now, we endure...

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