Author Topic: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes  (Read 2486 times)

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Offline libertybele

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I imagine this technology would cost a small fortune.

New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes

A new technology called High Tide Home System raises homes to avoid severe flooding during hurricanes.

On August 13, 2004, Hurricane Charley struck Charlotte County leaving businesses and homes destroyed...........

................Flooding can do a lot of damage and costs a lot of money.

But a new technology called High Tide Home Systems might be able to help him and other property owners avoid this problem.

Philip Destefano, Chief Executive Officer at High Tide Homes Incorporated said, “This would eliminate that because these homes are raised above the floodwaters.”

The company installs a jackable steel grid platform, that allows screws to lift your home from eight to as much as 14 feet in the air.

So if there is a flood warning, all you have to do is press a button on the High Tide Homes Inc’s smartphone app to raise your home.

“This new technology will save millions, if not billions of dollars, between damage and flip losses with insurance companies. That’s really what this is about,” Destefano said.

Hopefully to prevent damage to homes and businesses from another catastrophe like hurricane Charley.

“When this day comes, we just think of where we’re at today. And we’ve got through it. If and when another one comes, we’ll be ready,” Max said.

High Tide Homes is working to build new homes that have this technology included but it can also be retrofitted into existing structures...............
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Online roamer_1

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2022, 02:05:00 am »
So... NEW technology?  :pondering:

Build your house on a trailer and put the trailer on top of gas station lifts...   :laugh:

But don't wait too long to jack it up... Sure would be a shame if cellular goes out in high winds and your app don't work.  :whistle:

Offline DB

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2022, 02:59:30 am »
Or you could build your home 50'+ above sea level...

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2022, 03:03:05 am »
Friends who lived back east in a low lying tidewater area built their house on pilings, well above any previous storm surge, and used the 'downstairs' as a garage, complete with plywood wall panels designed to break away in the event of a major storm. All electrical wiring was overhead in the garage.

So this is nothing new, just more adjustable.
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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2022, 03:06:13 am »
Friends who lived back east in a low lying tidewater area built their house on pilings, well above any previous storm surge, and used the 'downstairs' as a garage, complete with plywood wall panels designed to break away in the event of a major storm. All electrical wiring was overhead in the garage.

So this is nothing new, just more adjustable.

There is a reason, perhaps, that homes in beach front and tidal areas were up on pilings and made of grass...  :whistle:

Offline Kamaji

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2022, 05:48:10 pm »
Seems to me daffy duck and porky pig did a skit about this back in the 1950s.

Offline GtHawk

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2022, 06:38:56 pm »
More than a few decades ago there was a new technology proposed that had homes in flood prone built on sliding piers, one slightly smaller pipe inside a larger pipe and all utilities attached by flexible connections so that when the water rose so would the home so that it would always be above the water.
I suspect that the same reason that was never really put into use will be the same for this tech, just to expensive for the average home owner.

Offline libertybele

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2022, 06:50:29 pm »
Friends who lived back east in a low lying tidewater area built their house on pilings, well above any previous storm surge, and used the 'downstairs' as a garage, complete with plywood wall panels designed to break away in the event of a major storm. All electrical wiring was overhead in the garage.

So this is nothing new, just more adjustable.

Yes, granted there are homes around here that are built on stilts and primarily the downstairs is used for a garage or patio-type area.  For whatever reason they aren't real popular; flooding is one thing, but then the concern hurricane force winds impacting the second floor.  Insurance is just as costly if not more expensive.

They have made a few supposed hurricane proof homes around here, but I haven't figured out how or if they would protect against flooding; they sure don't look like they would. There has to be a way to protect from both.

At any rate, insurance rates are only lower on newer homes and some won't even insure in FL if the roof is older than 10 years old.  It has become a fiasco.  DeSantis is working on it, but his first solution isn't getting a whole lot of praise as insurance companies are still leaving FL.
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Offline libertybele

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Re: New technology raises homes to avoid flooding during hurricanes
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2022, 06:52:27 pm »
More than a few decades ago there was a new technology proposed that had homes in flood prone built on sliding piers, one slightly smaller pipe inside a larger pipe and all utilities attached by flexible connections so that when the water rose so would the home so that it would always be above the water.
I suspect that the same reason that was never really put into use will be the same for this tech, just to expensive for the average home owner.

Expense is right.  Can you imagine what the cost would be to raise an existing home to put the jackable steel grids in?
Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.  If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.   Romans 12:16-18