State Chapters > NY/NJ

Polio is ‘likely’ present and spreading in NYC, health officials warn

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Texas Yellow Rose:
Symptoms of polio differ from case to case.

Non Paralytic Polio -
This does not cause paralysis and usually causes flu like symptoms such as:
Sore throat
Weakness and fatigue
Back pain, neck pain or stiffness
Muscle tenderness or weakness

Paralytic Polio
Loss of reflexes
Severe muscle weakness and pain
Floppy and loose limbs (flaccid paralysis)

Post Polio Syndrome
The patient experiences symptoms several years after they have had polio.
Fatigue and Weakness after minimal activity


--- Quote from: Texas Yellow Rose on August 12, 2022, 06:26:06 pm ---Symptoms of polio differ from case to case.

Non Paralytic Polio -
This does not cause paralysis and usually causes flu like symptoms such as:
Sore throat
Weakness and fatigue
Back pain, neck pain or stiffness
Muscle tenderness or weakness

Paralytic Polio
Loss of reflexes
Severe muscle weakness and pain
Floppy and loose limbs (flaccid paralysis)

Post Polio Syndrome
The patient experiences symptoms several years after they have had polio.
Fatigue and Weakness after minimal activity

--- End quote ---

@Texas Yellow Rose



--- Quote from: Texas Yellow Rose on August 12, 2022, 06:26:06 pm ---Symptoms of polio differ from case to case.

Non Paralytic Polio -
This does not cause paralysis and usually causes flu like symptoms such as:
Sore throat
Weakness and fatigue
Back pain, neck pain or stiffness
Muscle tenderness or weakness

Paralytic Polio
Loss of reflexes
Severe muscle weakness and pain
Floppy and loose limbs (flaccid paralysis)

Post Polio Syndrome
The patient experiences symptoms several years after they have had polio.
Fatigue and Weakness after minimal activity

--- End quote ---
Hey most of those symptoms for non paralytic are the same as Covid, should we expect the evil elf to start a new panic using the polio infections as new more special Covid?


--- Quote from: GtHawk on August 12, 2022, 07:55:43 pm ---Hey most of those symptoms for non paralytic are the same as Covid, should we expect the evil elf to start a new panic using the polio infections as new more special Covid?

--- End quote ---

The difference here is that there is a vaccine for polio.

   The Gov and Mayor will blame our Gov Abbott and then call it a day.


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