Author Topic: Feds Suddenly Remember To Decry Threats Of Violence After Ignoring Violent Dobbs Backlash  (Read 198 times)

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Feds Suddenly Remember To Decry Threats Of Violence After Ignoring Violent Dobbs Backlash

This is the latest flip in the FBI’s constant flop between excusing one brand of political violence and making a dramatic example of another.

AUGUST 12, 2022

FBI Director Christopher Wray mysteriously remembered to condemn “violent rhetoric” on Wednesday — in reference to Americans outraged over the FBI’s surprise raid on former President Donald Trump’s private home and refusal (so far) to release the search warrant — after conveniently forgetting to do so when left-wing violence erupted after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.

“I’m always concerned about threats to law enforcement,” Wray announced 48 hours after news broke of his agency’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. “Violence against law enforcement is not the answer, no matter who you’re upset with.”

He also called online threats against the DOJ “deplorable and dangerous,” choosing failed 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton’s favorite insult for Trump supporters. While legitimate violence should be swiftly shut down, it’s not hard to imagine abuses and extrapolations coming from the same agency that invoked domestic terrorism laws to go after parents who showed up to protest at their kids’ school board meetings.

The media quickly ran with Wray’s attempt to distract from his own agency’s targeting of political opponents by highlighting the reaction from the right and specifically the potential for fringe threats. “Trump’s allies apparently unbothered about possibility of getting someone killed,” Vanity Fair blared. “Authorities monitoring online threats following FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid,” ABC announced. “Simmering threat of violence comes to fore with search of Trump property,” said The Washington Post.

Oddly enough, I don’t remember hearing the same denunciation of violence after the Supreme Court found it was unconstitutional for the bench to bar elected state legislatures from restricting abortion. In the three months following the Dobbs decision leak, the Family Research Council chronicled 34 attacks on churches and 53 attacks on pro-life organizations and offices and pregnancy care centers. Several of the attacks involved firebombing, attempted arson, and smashing windows on top of threatening or hateful graffiti proclaiming, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.” Radical abortion group “Jane’s Revenge” took credit for many of the attacks, but an FBI spokeswoman in June refused to tell The Federalist whether the group was facing investigation.

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