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Rep. Bowman accuses NY primary opponent of racism over ‘darkened’ photos in mailer


Rep. Bowman accuses NY primary opponent of racism over ‘darkened’ photos in mailer

By Mark Lungariello
August 10, 2022

New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman is accusing his challenger of putting a purposely “darkened” photo of him on a campaign mailer in a racist effort to scare off potential voters for the incumbent in this month’s Democratic Primary.

Bowman alleges that his skin tone was intentionally made darker in flyers mailed out for Vedat Gashi, a challenger in the primary for New York’s 16th Congressional District, which includes the north Bronx and part of Westchester County.

Bowman, a progressive in the mold of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a member of the far-left congressional “Squad,” lashed out at moderate Democrat Gashi over two separate mailers that included pictures of the freshman House member.

“To be black in America is to deal with multiple forms of racism on a consistent basis. This is one of them,” Bowman said in a statement provided to The Post. “There is an ugly history behind facial distortion to spread hate and disdain for political purposes.

“This is why voters were angered. This is also why we introduced the African American History Act and the resolution to fight hate and antisemitism,” Bowman went on. “The isms and phobias in America are killing us, and stopping us from reaching our potential as a country. We need to be better educated to stop the hate that’s eating our country and democracy alive.”

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Wow is this guy FoS.

No, Mr. Bowman, to be black in America today is to be the beneficiary of an unearned, undeserved privilege - Black Privilege - which allows the bearer to get away with things everyone else would be locked up for.

STFU and start acting like an adult, for the first time in your miserable life.

PeteS in CA:
I support Dems playing the race card on each other, :pop41: .


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