Author Topic: Rod Dreher: Racist, Fascist, The Usual  (Read 162 times)

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Rod Dreher: Racist, Fascist, The Usual
« on: August 08, 2022, 05:22:59 pm »
Racist, Fascist, The Usual

US media freakout over Viktor Orban speech says more about them than about the Hungarian leader

By Rod Dreher
8 August 2022

That image [see original source webpage] is a frame from a Dutch TV documentary about migrant presence in the Italian port city of Genoa. The speaker is an elderly Italian shopkeeper who laments what has happened to his city. The old part of the city, where he works, is now overrun with African migrants who sell drugs, he says. And this means the death of his country.

This is why Viktor Orban keeps being re-elected in Hungary. He has seen what the EU's migration policies have done to Italy and other European countries, and wants no part of it.

I know, I know. I know! You're tired of reading about Viktor Orban here. But you know, in the wake of Orban's Dallas appearance, there has been a lot of writing about him in the US, most of it tendentious and unreliable. As one of the few American pundits who has actually spent significant time in Hungary, I feel compelled to challenge this false narrative before it gets further entrenched. If you're bored with it all, feel free to skip all this, and to go with God. But I hope you will read on, if only to understand how the Narrative gets made.

The word seems to have gone out in Left circles to smear anybody who criticizes George Soros as an anti-Semite. Now they're going after Sen. Marco Rubio, of all people, for his criticism of "Soros-backed prosecutors." If you don't get the reference, George Soros spends a lot of money to get progressive DAs elected nationwide -- DAs who are soft on crime out of ideological principle. An example from the politically powerful head of an American teachers' union:

There's been lots of this on Twitter from the Left in the past few days. It's a lazy smear. Soros is a very wealthy man who has strong progressive political views, and throws a lot of money around to advance his causes. Hey, it's a free country! But one is also free to criticize him, even though he is ethnically Jewish. I did not notice people on the Left ceasing to criticize the late conservative skrillionaire Sheldon Adelson for spending his fortune to elect Republicans, even though Adelson was a Jew. In fact:

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Orban has had to deal with this smear for years. Soros is immensely powerful, by virtue of his billions, and he has spent generously to try to change his native Hungary into a progressive, globalist country. Orban is his chief rival, and the one who prevents Soros from doing that. Naturally the pro-Soros people through everything they have at Orban, including false claims of anti-Semitism. Here is erstwhile neocon Max Boot doing it in the Washington Post a day or two ago:

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