Author Topic: Rod Dreher: George Soros Gaslights On Crime  (Read 228 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Rod Dreher: George Soros Gaslights On Crime
« on: August 02, 2022, 12:49:04 pm »
George Soros Gaslights On Crime

Billionaire progressive activist doubles down on defending the Narrative

By Rod Dreher
August 2, 2022

Last week liberal pundits and social media commentators had a conniption over Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, adding that his rhetorical pounding of Hungarian-born progressive philanthropist George Soros is anti-Semitic. Why? Soros is Jewish, and spends a fortune trying to make Hungary progressive, so naturally (in the liberal mind) to criticize him must make one anti-Semitic. Right? Right? Never mind that Orban has explained that if Soros were a Gentile and spent his money to ruin Hungary, he would go after Soros just as strongly. Libs have to Maintain The Narrative.

Today in the Wall Street Journal, Soros exposes why so many sane people think of him as a menace to society. He pens an op-ed attempting to justify why he throws so much money behind electing woke prosecutors. Excerpts:

Like most of us, I’m concerned about crime. One of government’s most important roles is to ensure public safety. I have been involved in efforts to reform the criminal-justice system for the more than 30 years I have been a philanthropist.

Yet our system is rife with injustices that make us all less safe. The idea that we need to choose between justice and safety is false. They reinforce each other: If people trust the justice system, it will work. And if the system works, public safety will improve.

We need to acknowledge that black people in the U.S. are five times as likely to be sent to jail as white people. That is an injustice that undermines our democracy.

Is he talking about "five times more likely" when convicted of the same crime? Or is he talking about "five times more likely," period? Because if it's the latter, here's news for Mr. Soros: blacks are massively overrepresented as perpetrators of violent crime (and their victims are overwhelmingly other black people). Everybody knows this, except those who make it their business not to know. This happened in Quincy, Mass., the other day. The pregnant woman is white; her accused attackers are black. From CBS News:

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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Rod Dreher: George Soros Gaslights On Crime
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2022, 02:46:09 pm »

The pregnant woman is white; her accused attackers are black. From CBS News:

I have no doubt this is true,but what is also true is those animals didn't give a damn if she was black,white,Asia,or polka-dotted. The same thing would have happened because they don't care anything about anybody but "Deysefs".

Calling them animals is an insult to real animals. Real animals take care of,feed ,and protect their young,which is something these creatures will never be accused of doing.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2022, 02:48:10 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!