Author Topic: Oh No – The Guardian is too Climate Alarmist even for Michael Mann  (Read 217 times)

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Oh No – The Guardian is too Climate Alarmist even for Michael Mann
4 hours ago Eric

h/t Dr. Willie Soon; WUWT recently covered a Guardian claim that “total climate meltdown cannot be stopped“. It turns out this claim is too pessimistic, even for climate scientist Michael Mann.

Bill McGuire, the scientist quoted by the original Guardian article, seems to feel his words were misinterpreted.

The Guardian quoted McGuire as saying “I know a lot of people working in climate science who say one thing in public but a very different thing in private. In confidence, they are all much more scared about the future we face, but they won’t admit that in public. I call this climate appeasement and I believe it only makes things worse. The world needs to know how bad things are going to get before we can hope to start to tackle the crisis.“.

How does this reconcile with McGuire apparently accusing the Guardian headline writers of misinterpreting his words, with their headline ‘Soon it will be unrecognisable’: total climate meltdown cannot be stopped, says expert.

I invite readers to read the Guardian article which triggered this scramble, see if you can figure out what McGuire’s problem is. I thought the headline was a fair summary of the content – but make up your own minds.