Author Topic: These Republicans who impeached Trump face tough primaries on Tuesday  (Read 2792 times)

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Online mystery-ak

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 These Republicans who impeached Trump face tough primaries on Tuesday
by Chloe Folmar - 07/30/22 3:06 PM ET

Three of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach former President Trump last year face tough primaries on Tuesday, competing against Trump-endorsed challengers in crowded fields.

So far, four of the 10 have opted to retire, two have overcome primary challenges to get to November and one did not. Since leaving office, Trump has wielded his power against the Republicans he thinks crossed him.

Tuesday’s races feature two lawmakers from Washington and one from Michigan and are expected to be closely watched as yet another test of Trump’s influence with GOP voters.

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May they all  lose their seats.
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Online roamer_1

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Is it REALLY about Tumpy though?

I ain't no fan of Tumpy, but I wouldn't vote for ANY of these jokers because of their support of the charade. Obviously and provably a witch hunt - And they are on the wrong side of that monkey business.

Tumpy is incidental to the point.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Is it REALLY about Tumpy though?

I ain't no fan of Tumpy .....

Just curious @roamer_1   is there a backstory to why you're wedded to the exclusive use of the word "ain't"?   

Please share (if you can) --- it must be a hoot.    happy77

Online roamer_1

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Just curious @roamer_1   is there a backstory to why you're wedded to the exclusive use of the word "ain't"?   

Please share (if you can) --- it must be a hoot.    happy77


Nope. I write what I talk. Always have, and always will.

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Nope. I write what I talk. Always have, and always will.

Well, I lost that bet @roamer_1    :laugh:    I was sure it had somrhing to do with the transition to cowboy.

Thanks for the reply. 

Online roamer_1

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Well, I lost that bet @roamer_1    :laugh:    I was sure it had somrhing to do with the transition to cowboy.

Thanks for the reply.


Transition? There was no transition.

But I have noticed your frequent attempts to disqualify me because of my use of language - This is not the first time.

And why would it be a 'hoot' as to why I would use such a common word? Up in here, and I would wager, across rural America, 'ain't' is far more likely a word than any alternative.

Online mystery-ak

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I find it rude when a person on a forum corrects another member's grammar...I saw this a lot on FR and hated it....and I hate it here too!
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Online roamer_1

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I find it rude when a person on a forum corrects another member's grammar...I saw this a lot on FR and hated it....and I hate it here too!

No problemo Myst... Water off a duck's back... It is a typical city vs. rural / east vs. west condescension. I am quite used to it... Just calling her on it is all.

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No problemo Myst... Water off a duck's back... It is a typical city vs. rural / east vs. west condescension. I am quite used to it... Just calling her on it is all.
Yep. Those are the kind of folks we used to smile and wave at when they got that badly needed quart of oil out of the empty can at the full serve lane, for the low, low price of seven or eight bucks...

Y'all come back, now, y' hear?
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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“Ain’t ain’t a word ‘cos the teacher said it ain’t.” A little ditty from my childhood.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
The saints' and angels' song!

(Mercy Me)

Online roamer_1

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“Ain’t ain’t a word ‘cos the teacher said it ain’t.” A little ditty from my childhood.

That was a ditty? I took it as a jeer.  :shrug: :whistle:

Online roamer_1

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Yep. Those are the kind of folks we used to smile and wave at when they got that badly needed quart of oil out of the empty can at the full serve lane, for the low, low price of seven or eight bucks...

Y'all come back, now, y' hear?

That's right... As they laugh merrily about the stupid hicks that don't know nothing.   :whistle: :laugh: :beer:

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That was a ditty? I took it as a jeer.  :shrug: :whistle:

Probably a jeer. Come to think of it, we never said it TO the teacher.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
The saints' and angels' song!

(Mercy Me)

Online roamer_1

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Probably a jeer. Come to think of it, we never said it TO the teacher.


Whatever it is... I consider 'ain't' to be part of normal parlance, and requiring no correction. Heck, even most gals I know say 'ain't'.

It ain't like it ain't understood...  :whistle:

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I find it rude when a person on a forum corrects another member's grammar...I saw this a lot on FR and hated it....and I hate it here too!

I agree with this ... and I wasn't trying to do that. @mystery-ak   Sorry @roamer_1 if you thought so.  :beer:

« Last Edit: July 31, 2022, 06:32:56 am by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline sneakypete

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That was a ditty? I took it as a jeer.  :shrug: :whistle:


I took it as encouragement.
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Online roamer_1

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I agree with this ... and I wasn't trying to do that. @mystery-ak   Sorry @roamer_1 if you thought so.  :beer:


Aw c'mon RiV... It was a poke. And it was purposeful. Otherwise it would have no purpose at all.

But that's alright. And I'd forgive you if there was anything to forgive.

As far as pokes go, it was sharp, and pointy, yet subtle and well couched... Artfully done, and I can appreciate that. That's part of why I usually enjoy our occasional but ongoing repartee.

And a full step higher than the lumbering insults provided by some around here... And you don't get pissy about it when you catch a return volley.  So it's all good.  :beer:

What is interesting though is why you chose to lay it against the comment I made here - granted, I am no fan of your prince... But failing that forever fealty that you would prefer in me, at least I was on the right side of this thing, denouncing those who participated against him, engaging in the witch hunt...

I would have thought that satisfactory - At least a point of common ground.  :shrug:

Yet... *POKE*

Well, isn't ain't that something?  :laugh:

Online roamer_1

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I took it as encouragement.

LOL! That's right @sneakypete ... Someone tells me I MUST go one direction, I am very likely to go the other.  :beer:

Offline Kamaji

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Is it REALLY about Tumpy though?

I ain't no fan of Tumpy, but I wouldn't vote for ANY of these jokers because of their support of the charade. Obviously and provably a witch hunt - And they are on the wrong side of that monkey business.

Tumpy is incidental to the point.


Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Aw c'mon RiV... It was a poke. And it was purposeful. Otherwise it would have no purpose at all.

But that's alright. And I'd forgive you if there was anything to forgive.

As far as pokes go, it was sharp, and pointy, yet subtle and well couched... Artfully done, and I can appreciate that. That's part of why I usually enjoy our occasional but ongoing repartee.

And a full step higher than the lumbering insults provided by some around here... And you don't get pissy about it when you catch a return volley.  So it's all good.  :beer:

What is interesting though is why you chose to lay it against the comment I made here - granted, I am no fan of your prince... But failing that forever fealty that you would prefer in me, at least I was on the right side of this thing, denouncing those who participated against him, engaging in the witch hunt...

I would have thought that satisfactory - At least a point of common ground.  :shrug:

Yet... *POKE*

Well, isn't ain't that something?  :laugh:

Something tells me I'm going to regret this, but I'll try to explain.  I've no objection to the word "ain't", grammatically or otherwise.  The word has the potential to add emphasis to a comment. 

Think of someone standing up and saying "it ain't happening" --- one gets the message that he's serious.  Sen. Kennedy from LA is a master of this technique.  You just know when he's going add "ain't" to his closng statement ----- like a fist punch making his ridicule all the more powerful.  He doesn't do it all the time.  He saves it, and his timing and impact, thus far, have been impeccable.

But, your use of "ain't" is exclusive ---- and this is unusual and what has caught my attention.  So, I figured there had to be a backstory to this.  And let's face it, my friend, your backstories are frequent and colorful --- from standing naked in front of your open refrigerator in the middle of the night, to sharing the wonders of life with your lady friend outside under only a tarp, to fixing a 30 year old pick-up truck with a matchbook cover and spit.

I was simply wondering about a backstory for "ain't".  I wasn't poking, I was prodding --- as in persuading you to tell the story.  I was expecting something along the lines of:  "First, let me tell you about the time I didn't say "ain't"   :laugh:

But, you've explained there is no story, that this is simply who you are ---- and I, for one, would not try and change that for the world. 

Enjoy your Sunday @roamer_1    See you around campus :beer:

« Last Edit: July 31, 2022, 01:21:17 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

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Something tells me I'm going to regret this, but I'll try to explain.  I've no objection to the word "ain't", grammatically or otherwise.  The word has the potential to add emphasis to a comment. 

Think of someone standing up and saying "it ain't happening" --- one gets the message that he's serious.  Sen. Kennedy from LA is a master of this technique.  You just know when he's going add "ain't" to his closng statement ----- like a fist punch making his ridicule all the more powerful.  He doesn't do it all the time.  He saves it, and his timing and impact, thus far, have been impeccable.

But, your use of "ain't" is exclusive ---- and this is unusual and what has caught my attention.  So, I figured there had to be a backstory to this.  And let's face it, my friend, your backstories are frequent and colorful --- from standing naked in front of your open refrigerator in the middle of the night, to sharing the wonders of life with your lady friend outside under only a tarp, to fixing a 30 year old pick-up truck with a matchbook cover and spit.

I was simply wondering about a backstory for "ain't".  I wasn't poking, I was prodding --- as in persuading you to tell the story.  I was expecting something along the lines of:  "First, let me tell you about the time I didn't say "ain't"   :laugh:

But, you've explained there is no story, that this is simply who you are ---- and I, for one, would not try and change that for the world. 

Enjoy your Sunday @roamer_1    See you around campus :beer:


Well now, darlin... Your talent has left me at a quandry....  :pondering:

Part of the fun with you is that  can never quite figure you out... Your ability at word-smithing allows me but two paths:

Either that reply is a beautifully constructed and well thought out dodge - playing to my character, and my love of telling my 'colorful tales' - laid quite deliberately to snag me in the very root of who I am... To walk off from the game, at last, scott-free... Held inviolate...

Bearing in mind of course, that such a machination would be an overkill by an order of magnitude - and unnecessary since I had already indicated that any insult was defused. However, still a sturdy option in your repertoire, worthy of your 'bag of tricks' and ease of play...

Or that was quite likely one of the greatest compliments of my life, spent in passing, with nary a crown thrown.

If it was the latter, then I thank you for the kindness, truly.  happy77

However, I will suppose it to be the former, through no fault of your own - because if it were the latter, it would give me a fat head - And we both know I need no more of that.  :beer:

Likewise, enjoy your afternoon.
And we should end it here, before @DCPatriot comes along to yell, "get a room!"  :laugh:

 :beer: :patriot: :seeya:

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Well now, darlin... Your talent has left me at a quandry....  :pondering:

Part of the fun with you is that  can never quite figure you out... Your ability at word-smithing allows me but two paths:

Either that reply is a beautifully constructed and well thought out dodge - playing to my character, and my love of telling my 'colorful tales' - laid quite deliberately to snag me in the very root of who I am... To walk off from the game, at last, scott-free... Held inviolate...

Bearing in mind of course, that such a machination would be an overkill by an order of magnitude - and unnecessary since I had already indicated that any insult was defused. However, still a sturdy option in your repertoire, worthy of your 'bag of tricks' and ease of play...

Or that was quite likely one of the greatest compliments of my life, spent in passing, with nary a crown thrown.

If it was the latter, then I thank you for the kindness, truly.  happy77

However, I will suppose it to be the former, through no fault of your own - because if it were the latter, it would give me a fat head - And we both know I need no more of that.  :beer:

Likewise, enjoy your afternoon.
And we should end it here, before @DCPatriot comes along to yell, "get a room!"  :laugh:

 :beer: :patriot: :seeya:

ROFL!!   Luv ya, @roamer_1  :laugh:   :beer:

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Re: These Republicans who impeached Trump face tough primaries on Tuesday
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2022, 06:12:55 pm »

I witnessed the Logic and Accuracy test of the voting equipment in my County on July 1st.  It was enlightening and it passed.  I verified with my eyes we have no Dominion equipment in our Counting Room.  The voting machines under test were not Dominion.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2022, 06:13:47 pm by Cyber Liberty »
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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