Author Topic: Pro-Abortion Crowd Silences Women Who Regret Them  (Read 255 times)

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Pro-Abortion Crowd Silences Women Who Regret Them
« on: July 28, 2022, 12:42:13 pm »
Pro-Abortion Crowd Silences Women Who Regret Them

‘Safe, legal, and rare’ used to be how people justified abortion. Today, women must celebrate abortion or remain silent about their regret.

JULY 28, 2022

Abortion proponents have embraced a drastic shift in messaging over the past few decades. In the 1990s, Bill Clinton’s “safe, legal, and rare” was the standard line — which is a far cry from today’s well-traveled maxims like “Free Abortion on Demand Without Apology” and “Shout Your Abortion.” Indeed, in the heart of abortion’s most ardent base, the strategy entails encouraging pride over shame and celebration over regret. But does this shift reflect the experiences of those who are disinclined to “shout” their abortions?   

There’s an accusation lurking in the subtext of the abortion debate over abortion regret, implying that no woman should feel bad “terminating a pregnancy” if it was never suggested that abortion itself is bad. How paternalistic. First, “Big Abortion” sells women short by suggesting they will never be able to handle both a career and a family, and then they sell them an abortion. And now, abortion zealots make themselves the masters of how women must feel about it.

The pro-life movement at large has consistently perceived two victims in an abortion scenario — a child whose life is on the line, and a mother who is vulnerable to an industry that profits from violence and deceit. Those selling abortion must sever the one-of-a-kind physical relationship between mother and gestating child through abortion — lethal pregnancy violence that will be painfully understood by a mother when she finds herself empty of life.

Widespread abortion regret is supported by data, yet seldom reported. The physical and psychological risks of abortion are well known to those of us who support post-abortive women. New studies have shown that women who have abortions are 81 percent more likely to experience subsequent mental health problems. This includes being 110 percent more likely to abuse alcohol and 115 percent more likely to develop suicidal behavior following abortion. Another study notes women who ended their first pregnancy by abortion are five times more likely to report subsequent substance abuse than women who carried the pregnancy to term and four times more likely to report substance abuse compared to those whose first pregnancy ended naturally. 

But the best source for understanding abortion regret is the women who have experienced it firsthand. Consider an entire legion of both men and women who were traumatized by abortion yet feel unwelcome in the Shout Your Abortion era.

For every handful of celebrities shouting their abortions, there’s one who courageously goes against the abortion-loving mob to tell a different truth. In 2015, Nicki Minaj said in an interview that her high school abortion has “haunted her all her life.” Eminem’s 2017 song “River” puts on full display his abortion regret as a father. In 2020, Kanye West broke down in public while explaining how much pain he suffers for even considering aborting his daughter, North, as well as his wrestling with the knowledge that he himself was almost aborted. 

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