Someone, I think Gutfeld, pointed out that in all of her statements she points out something she "loves".
I love California! - hehehehahahahheheheh <-funniest thing EVER, with only Kamala laughing
I love cooking! - hehehehehahahaahehehahahahaahehehehe
I love Venn diagrams! - hahahahehehehehahahahehe
I love space! - hahaehehehehehahahehehe
I love school buses! - hahahaheheheheahahahahahehehe - I mean don't we all? - hahahaheheheheahahahaheheheh
She thinks like a California celebrity. She thinks that the dirty peasants sit around wondering what Kamala 'loves'. <-who gives a damn?
The woman is functionally retarded. Along with Biden, if they were not in politics they would be fired from any average Home Depot. Biden for being creepy and molesting children and customers, and her for being terminally STUPID!